
互联网 | 编辑: 2003-05-10 00:00:00转载

这是一款运行在PPC上的游戏,名字叫做GANG WARFARE。根据玩家的讨论,笑传这样的PPC上第一人称视角游戏估计很快就会弄坏你的PPC屏幕——除非你贴上16层保护膜?!游戏风格以及画面很象PC上的FPS大作《秘密潜入》。以下是该游戏的英文介绍:

Stunning 3d visuals bring the game to life.

4Sight technology allows complex effects like lighting, reflections, shadows, particles and transparencies, while still maintaining high framerates.

Realtime-rendered cinematic sequences help unravel the plot as the game progresses.Intelligent AI allows for realistic enemy behaviour and movement.High level of interaction with environment including Player-controlled doors, platforms, switches, lights and cameras.Wide variety of weapons+ Much more,including a full soundtrack, add-ons and secrets!

实际我觉得也有点象HALF LIFE。对这个游戏有兴趣的朋友可以去官方网站XENGAMES.COM看看。




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