
互联网 | 编辑: uker编辑2 2008-10-30 00:30:00转载

Vietnam is considering a ban on small-chested people driving motorbikes - a proposal that has provoked widespread disbelief, all the more in this nation of slightly built people.

The ministry of health recently recommended that people whose chests measure less than 28 inches (72cm) would be prohibited, as would those who are too short or too thin.

The proposal is part of an exhaustive list of new criteria the ministry has come up with to ensure that Vietnam's drivers are in good health. As news of the plan hit the media this week, Vietnamese expressed incredulity.

"It's ridiculous," said Tran Thi Phuong, 38, a Hanoi insurance agent. "It's absurd."
“太可笑了”,河内三十八岁的保险经纪人Tran Thi Phuong表示。“真是荒谬”。

"The new proposals are very funny, but many Vietnamese people could become the victim of this joke," said Le Quang Minh, 31, a Hanoi stockbroker. "Many Vietnamese women have small chests. I have many friends who won't meet these criteria."
“新提议非常滑稽,不过很多越南人可能成为这个笑话的受害者”,河内三十一岁的股票经济Le Quang Minh表示。“许多越南女人胸部很平。我有很多朋友,她们够不上这个标准”。

It was unclear how the ministry established its size guidelines, and an official there declined to comment.

The average Vietnamese man is 1.64m (5ft 4in) tall and weighs 55kg (121lb). The average Vietnamese woman is 1.55m tall and weighs 47kg.

Statistics on average chest size were unavailable.

The draft, which must be approved by the central government to become law, would also prohibit people from driving motorbikes if they suffer from array of health conditions like enlarged livers or sinusitis. The rules would cover the vast majority of Vietnam's 20m motorbikes. It would not apply to car or truck drivers.

Motorbikes account for more than 90% of the vehicles on Vietnam's roads, and many workers in the nation of 85 million need them to do their jobs.

When Nguyen Van Tai, a motorbike taxi driver, heard about the proposal, he immediately had his chest measured. Much to his relief, Tai beat the chest limit by 7cm.
Nguyen Van Tai是一名摩的司机,当听到这个提议时,他立即测量了自己的胸围。令他感到宽慰的是,测量结果比标准多出七厘米。

"A lot of people in my home village are small," said Tai, 46. "Many in my generation were poor and suffered from malnutrition, and now the ministry of health wants to stop us from driving to work."

Vietnamese bloggers have been poking fun at the plan, envisioning traffic police with tape measures eagerly pulling over female drivers to measure their chests.

"From now on, padded bras will be bestsellers," said Bo Cu Hung, a popular Ho Chi Minh City blogger.
“从现在开始,带内垫的胸衣将成为流行”,胡志明市广受喜爱的博客主人Bo Cu Hung认为。

Newspapers were inundated with letters today from concerned readers who worried that they wouldn't measure up.

"I'm not heavy enough. What am I going to do?" Le Thu Huong asked in a letter to the Tuoi Tre newspaper. "And what about people whose chests are small? Most of them are too poor to afford breast implants!"
“我没有足够的体重,我该怎么办?”Thu Huong在写给《青年日报》的一封信中问道。“还有那些胸部小的人们怎么办?他们中的大多数很穷,负担不起隆胸的费用!”

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