
互联网 | 编辑: 李涛 2009-12-18 00:00:00编译

电脑之家(PChome)12月18日消息,据国外媒体报道,XFX(讯景)近日终于解决了其HD 5970 Black Edition显卡内置超频程序无法兼容64位Windows系统的问题,原作者还展示了XFX为其发送的通知书。


Hello Shane,

Regarding the OverVolt OC tool issue on 64-bit platform OS.

There is good news. ATI just released version 1.2 tool which works on 64-bit Vista and Win7. It is now available in our web for download.

So, if you've got a Black Edition HD 5970 from XFX and you're on a 64-bit version of Windows, it's time to get your overclock freak on.

You can download the updated tool from the XFX website here. You'll have to login to the XFX website first, though.

如果你正好拥有一块HD5970 Black Edition显卡,而且希望使用64位Vista或Windows7,请点击这里获得最新的超频程序。

XFX这款HD 5970 Black Edition显卡可以说是专为发烧玩家设计,不仅集成了40nm工艺制造的Cypress核心,更将默认的850MHz核心频率大幅提升至惊人的1GHz,配合容量为1GB,速度为1GHz,带宽为256bit的GDDR5显存,可以提供过人的3D画面质量。但其超频完全由程序控制,因此其无法支持64位系统的缺陷令不少玩家头疼。

对XFX这款HD 5970 Black Edition显卡感兴趣玩家请关注PChome的后续报道。





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