
互联网 | 编辑: 顾未然 2006-09-08 01:00:00原创

PCHOME新闻中心的记者第一时间在新闻现场独家视频专访了创新公司亚太区总经理廖运钦(joseph liow)先生。


PCHOME新闻中心的记者第一时间在新闻现场独家视频专访了创新公司亚太区总经理廖运钦(joseph liow)先生。



而在记者对joseph的访谈过程中,joseph的对答一直保持着平易恬谈的气氛,之后其将创新的新品文化归纳为“返璞归真,追求真我”,这与其工作团队的A closing word也颇为吻合。

PCHOME新闻中心记者在衡山路某著名酒吧 对廖运钦(joseph liow)先生的独家视频专访。

(320×240 512kbps高质量视频)


On his family

Joseph devotes weekends to his family, crediting his wife for maintaining order in his household while he is away. "We try to develop common interests. I like to use my children as beta testers", Joseph jests. "I'll let them have a go at every new player that is released and I make an effort to turn Creative Fests into family affairs."

"I'll spend more time with them when things in CLA settle down", he vows.



A closing word to Creative staff

In closing, Joseph had some sagely advice for all Creative employees.

"Everyone has limitations. We definitely cannot work alone", Joseph began. "We must be very open. Things are constantly changing and we have to constantly learn to deal with them. Don't feel threatened by people who are better than you and accept different opinions and different styles of working."

Before parting, he produced a piece of self-penned Chinese calligraphy that encapsulates his beliefs - lessons that employees would do well to heed:

"A sage upholds spiritual principles;
A solon canonizes law of nature;
And a wiseman emulates the virtuous ancients.
The arrogant are doomed to be defeated;
Swaggerers make trouble;
Charlatans are faithless;
The self-glorifying are fickle to others;
Guerdoning the unmerited will leave oneself abandoned;
Punishment upon innocents brings complaints;
Moodiness results in ruin."

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