SteelSeriesCTO谈TYLOO Qck+制作工艺

互联网 | 编辑: 王文俊-见习 2010-09-17 11:03:00转载-投稿

自SteelSeries(赛睿)推出QCK布质橡胶鼠标垫以来,QCK系列鼠标垫以其卓越的手感,广泛的适用性以及高耐久性得到了广大游戏选手和玩家们的一致追捧,成为世界上最顶级的职业选手最广泛使用的布质橡胶鼠标垫。TYLOO QCK+限量版鼠标垫推出以来,在中国又掀起了一阵QCK的热潮,我们最近特别就TYLOO QCK+访问了SteelSeries(赛睿)的CTO:Tino Soelberg,请他就玩家们最关注的一些问题做解答。

Q:很我个人感觉TYLOO QCK+的基面橡胶非常柔软,与很多市面上的其他品牌的布质鼠标垫基面橡胶的感觉差别很大,请问造成这样的区别的原因都是那些呢?

A:Natural rubber quality is mainly about the raw rubber quality, the amount of recycled material, and the purity of the additives. All of SteelSeries' soft pads use very high quality natural rubber, no recycled rubber (the pads are great for recycling when theyre worn out, for use in shoes etc.), and the additives are the highest grade available.

Q:很多玩家和消费者反映说TYLOO QCK+的表面比一般的布质鼠标垫的表面顺滑不少,请问原因是因为表面的布料比较特别还是表面的涂层的原因呢?

A: Every mouse surface on the market has different weave patterns and different weaving materials. We strive hard to make the glide and feel of the SteelSeries soft pads as consistent as possible through both the weave, but more importantly through how smooth the surface of the underlying rubber bottom is.

Q:TYLOO QCK+的表面的顺滑感和使用手感的耐用性如何呢?

A: Durability of soft mouse surfaces are always a tough question. Our experience is that the surface itself (with the smooth feeling) will surpass the durability of the edges of the pads by a long shot. It is difficult to set a number on the durability, because it comes down to many variables including; temperature, humidity, gaming style, gaming hours per session etc.

Q:TYLOO QCK +在制作过程中采用了那些印刷技术?

A: The TYLOO QCK+ is printed using a high precision offset print technology with UV resistant inks. This is by far the most reliable and durable printing method in our minds.
A:TYLOO QCK +是使用防紫外线油墨在高精度印刷技术下制作而成的。这是迄今为止在我知道的最可靠和持久的印刷方法。

Q:这个鼠标垫使用哪里的橡胶 ?

A:The rubber on all SteelSeries soft pads is from Malaysia, Indonesia and in some cases Thailand.

广大玩家在TYLOO QCK+在尚未上市之时就通过WCG中国区总决赛和IEM5上海站比赛领略了这款产品的风采,不仅是中国的玩家,许多欧美玩家和东南亚玩家也纷纷表示了对这款产品的仰慕渴望之情。TYLOO QCK+在正式上市不到2周的时间内就销售一空。




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