近日ChinaJoy-NewYork Comic Con中国地区选手们赴美签证遭到美国大使馆拒签,经NYCC组委会、盖亚(上海)动漫有限公司和ChinaJoy组委会和多方联系沟通无效,与本月13日至16日在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心举行的第六届纽约动漫展失之交臂。面对此种不可抗拒因素,美国纽约动漫展将为中国地区决赛的冠军组合龙小李,幕夜霜颁发奖金,同时报销办理签证所产生的全部费用。虽然很遗憾,不过幕夜霜和龙小李选手对此也表示理解。在此,ChinaJoy组委会对于本NYCC中国赛区选手不能如期赴美,登上美国纽约当舞台向全世界展现中国Cosplay表示遗憾,但是我们也相信:在国际Cosplay文化交流的道路上,无论经历多少的挫折也不会让我们停下前进的脚步。同时,我们也希望在世界水准的Cosplay大赛上看到更多中国Coser的身影!
“We feel terribly sorry for the refuse what the Chinese Cosplay team received from the American embassy,we do have expected their excellent performance on the NYCC's stage for a long time especially after watching the contest videos from China, we have tried our best to negotiate with the embassy and we would much appreciate our partner-ChinaJoy Cosplay Organizing Comittee, they really did all their efforts for any possiblities, and for the team, they are big ones, "Long xiaoli" and "Mu Yeshuang",thank you for your efforts and passion.We will provide prize for recompense though it's not a thing could be measured in monetary, thank you for your understanding and hope you could go further to continue your passion on Cosplay Culture. We are deeply impressed by the development of Cosplay in China,so many teams and so many people, we could feel the fire on the stage,we have to admit that there are still unexpected barriers in achieving the comic communication between China and America, however,we will do our best for promotions. Again, it's a pity we could not have you with us this year, hope we could do it in the future. Thank you, all comic fans in China. ”
2011 ChinaJoy Cosplay嘉年华视频专区:
2011 CJ Cover Coser封面大赛专区: http://2011cjcc.c3online.com.cn
2011 CJ Cosplay DV大赛页面: http://www.tudou.com/home/2011cjdv
2011 CJ Cover Coser封面大赛海外合作专区页面: