
互联网 | 编辑: 李可人 2012-06-19 20:09:00转载-投稿

【CBSi中国 PChome现场报道】GSMA亚洲移动通讯博览会于2012年6月20日至22日于上海举行,PChome电脑之家派出专业记者团从亚洲移动通讯博览会现场发回报道。

The Now Factory 是专门为通信服务提供商提供‘实时手机数据服务的分析’。通讯服务商通过分析结果,能更深入地了解客户的使用体验,进一步保证服务质量,开发新的商业机会。

The Now Factory无论是从数据分析的深度,广度和质量都是独一无二的。我们能在实时的条件下,同时传达有关客户,服务,手机类型,网络节点等方便的信息。目前我们的客户遍布4大洲,共35个通讯服务提供商已经在使用我们的技术。想了解更多信息,更浏览我们的英文网页www.thenowfactory.com

Shanghai, China – June 20, 2012The Now Factory, today announced that its Mobile Moments Vantage, has been selected by CSL Limited to provide real-time visibility into mobile data usage, helping optimise the customer experience and increase operational efficiencies.

CSL is the leading mobile operator in Hong Kong with over 3 million subscribers and delivers an innovative range of voice and data services. The Company selected The Now Factory’s Mobile Moments Vantage solution to gain greater visibility into how its customers experience mobile data services, identify the root cause of performance issues that may occur, and provide the necessary answers to optimise the customer journey in real time across its LTE and UMTS networks.

Christian Daigneault, Chief Technology Officer at CSL said, “The customer is at the heart of everything we do at CSL. The Now Factory will enable us to understand more clearly how we engage with our customers and what we can do to deliver an exceptional level of user experience for all our mobile data services.”

Mobile Moments Vantage provides real-time insights into all aspects of the customer experience, including devices, applications and the network. By measuring the cumulative effect of all these elements, Mobile Moments Vantage enables CSL to make informed decisions in optimising the customer experience across its entire organisation, including customer care and network operations.

“We are delighted that CSL has selected our Mobile Moments Vantage solution,”said Tom Morrisroe, Chief Executive Officer of The Now Factory. With the explosion in mobile data usage, cutting-edge operators like CSL require in-depth visibility into how their customers use different combinations of devices and applications, which they can then use to manage the customer experience in real time.”










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