
互联网 | 编辑: 2012-11-06 00:18:15

在IEF 2012世界总决赛上,韩国选手 DK^Lyn决赛不敌 Dhc_HPE.Th000取得亚军,当 DK^Lyn回到成都后,我们的记者对他进行了采访。



在IEF 2012世界总决赛上,韩国选手  DK^Lyn决赛不敌  Dhc_HPE.Th000取得亚军,当  DK^Lyn回到成都后,我们的记者对他进行了采访。


Lyn, thanks for taking our interview.i'm sorry to hear that you lost to TH000 just now and congrated on placing 2nd place in IEF, let's say hi to your fans.

DK^Lyn:Hello,im Dk,Lyn,my name is june park,


Q:在此之前你在IEF 2007国际赛和IEF 2011上分别2次获得亚军,这是你第三次获得亚军了,有什么想说的吗?如果明年IEF还继续举办,你还会参加吗?为了没有得到的冠军。

In the past, you have made it twice as 2nd place in IEF while IEF2007 international and IEF 2011, it is the third time that you have this competition with 2nd place, anything we can talk about that? If IEF still will be hold on next year, would you join it? For the Champion that you deserved?

DK^Lyn:i dont care too much,abt place,i think 1st 2nd 3rd,all is good place,sure 1st is better,bt 2nd is also in world is 2nd,not bad ,jst do my best its all



Please discuss the 2 matches that on final.

DK^Lyn:i knew,he doing creeping for lv3 archmage,bt i didnt go there,jst mistake :D



You are present on the drawy day, what do you think about the group members? which one do you prefer not to face among other 9 players?

DK^Lyn:hmm,all player is top player,how i can i say who is easy,who is hard,dont want meet up,



In the group matches, you beat 2 UD masters——lucifer and ted. Comparing  these 2 matches, which one is harder for you? In the current warcraft version.Do you think there is still advanteges for ORC to fight with UD. With the current warcraft, if there still an advantege for ORC against UD?

DK^Lyn:ted and lucifer is diffrent style,TED is timing master,Lucifer is good at with long game,like chess,bt for me,i think timing rush ,ted style is hard to play,and there still hv advantage? i dunno,jst ud player know it,bt sure,better than b4,i think


Q:我们知道你和Infi一样是War3、SC2双修选手,客观的评价一下如果你能够参加本次IEF 2012世界总决赛的SC2项目,你觉得你能够拿到怎么样的成绩。

We know that you are training both War3 and SC2 like Infi, please tell us if you could play the IEF 2012 in SC2, which place can you get?

DK^Lyn:haha,i dunno,bt i hope i can joined semi final,im playing sc2 too,bt Terran is getting weak,if lose one timing,hard to win TT


Q:WCG 2012世界总决赛就要开始了,你有针对的练习吗?知道中国区的出线名单吗?你认为你能够成功卫冕WCG吗?

The grand final of WCG 2012 will be seen soon, any focus practise? Do you know who qulified from China? Do you think you can defend the champion?

DK^Lyn:jst practice,as like b4,i know who qulified,ted,sky,fly, last year i win with lucky,hope this year also i hope hv lucky,if hv i will b in top3 i think,



Everytime we met in the offline matches that you are holding a big bottle of mineral water, and they are the Farmer's spring. How much water do you usually dring everyday? Is that same you taking as much as you are training in your home?

DK^Lyn:i like Nong fu spring ,haha,every day ,i drink more  i think,in home hv too many box of nong fu spring



Becise G-league, most of Chinese War3 matches have finished now, whats your plan? Moving on playing SC2 like Sase? Or still train War3 and SC2 both?

DK^Lyn:war3 is my base game,i will play sure,until dont hv anymore tounerment,



Here a gossip one, everyone knows that you have a girlfriend, when will you marry her?

DK^Lyn:: D secret,i hope so haha



At last, thanks for taking our interview, all the best to you on next matches.

DK^Lyn:thx,c ya next time,in wcg






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