卡巴斯基®反病毒6.0个人版结合了传统的反病毒防护方式与最新的主动防御技术,为您提供坚固可靠的保护,恶意程序的攻击。不仅初级用户会惊喜地发现卡巴斯基®反病毒6.0个人版如此易于安装和设置,而且因为软件的高度灵活和容易调整也同样满足专业用户的个别需求。值得关注的是卡巴斯基®反病毒6.0个人版能与微软家用Windows操作系统无缝结合,并与其他个人电脑保护程序有着卓越的兼容性 (例如各种防火墙) 。
Changes in version
1。Error that caused resource leakage in case of intense activity of third-party applications has been fixed.
2。Error that caused slowdown in operating system loading has been fixed.
3。Error that caused application crash during virus scan task execution has been fixed.
4。Error that occurred during the use of sysprep utility has been fixed.
5。Problem that cased errors while updating through the following proxies: UserGate 4.0,Usergate - 3.1,WinGate 3.0.5,has been eliminated.
Known problems:
1。Disinfection of e-mail databases in PST format attached to a message is not supported.
2。After work in the advanced disinfection mode to prevent an active infection links to deleted infected files may remain in the registry in some cases.
3。Application of defined settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer functions incorrectly if different proxy servers are specified for various protocols.
4。Scanning of VBA macros: monitoring of APIFUNCTION macro execution is disabled.