澳洲大男孩Paul的中国自驾之旅 Day 2--露营国民公路G318

PChome | 编辑: 朱晓宇 2019-07-19 10:48:14原创

I will never forget our office setup at breakfast this morning.

I will never forget our office setup at breakfast this morning. After some dumplings and noodles, Gaven and I, sitting on plastic stools, spent the morning doing some personal admin work on our laptops. The setting was real and raw. Our RV was parked before a paddock and centred in our view. It felt nice to be together and productive. In the afternoon, we drove to our meeting with some Ningbo Government members. It was nice to be received with an official dinner. The time and hospitality shown to us (including the Chinese white wine) was a reminder of how much meaning there is to what Gaven and I are doing – travelling across China interacting and sharing with locals and their cultural specialties and physical environment. 




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