以下是国外游戏网站GAMESPOT对极品飞车最新作《极品飞车 最高通缉》的全面评价:
8.4 great
Gameplay 8
Graphics 8
Sound 9
Value 8
Tilt 9
Need for Speed Most Wanted is a great racing game that injects new life into the series thanks to its creative use of law enforcement.
由于对(游戏中)执法力量的创造性运用,Need for Speed Most Wanted 成为了一部给该系列注入了新的生命的优秀竞速游戏。
The Good: Outrunning the cops is extremely exciting; outstanding sound effects; sharp graphics; tones down some of the over-the-top product placement found in the previous nfs games; mindblowing full-motion video cutscenes
The Bad: Racer AI isn't too bright at first, gets wicked smart later on; not enough mindblowing full-motion video cutscenes.
缺点:对手的AI一开始的时候不太灵光,后来变的狡猾了一点,(“wicked smart”“邪恶的聪明”=“狡猾” 汉语的词汇真丰富。)“令人兴奋的全动态视频剪辑”不够多。