《波斯王子 王者无双》游戏权威评价

互联网 | 编辑: 2005-12-03 10:57:29

  8.6 great

  Gameplay 9

  Graphics 9

  Sound 9

  Value 8

  Tilt 8

  The Two Thrones provides a satisfying conclusion to the Sands of Time trilogy, with a lot of the same puzzle solving and gorgeous environments you remembered from the previous two games.

  The Two Thrones 由于那些一贯大量的解迷成分和那种前两代游戏里就已经让你印象深刻的华丽游戏环境而为“时之沙”三部曲画上了一个令人满意的句号(原文直译是为。。。提供了一个令人满意的结论)。

  The Good: Same great environmental puzzles you loved from the first two games; lengthy, well-paced campaign; speed kills keep the action moving; fun and challenging boss fights; prince lost the baditude.

  优点:和令你爱不释手的前两作一样有着非常优秀的场景迷题;漫长但富有节奏感(原文直译是“良好步调的”)的流程设置;speed kills(可能是游戏系统,具体不明)让游戏始终保持运动状态;趣味性和挑战性并存的BOSS战;王子终于摆脱了那种恶劣低俗的态度和品味。(什么意思?上作曾经被GS评为2004年的“MOST BADITUDE”,所以现在要看懂这句同样出自GS的评语就要看看这里 www.gamespot.com.cn/gamespot/z/best2004/day3f_9.htm )

  The Bad: Certain scenes rely too much on trial and error; start of the story may cause confusion.





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