Windows XP SP2一炮打响后,SP3何时发布,一直是相当受关注的问题,而今日从MSFN.org传来的消息,他们捕捉到了5月21日微软通稿里的内容,其中有一段关于Windows XP SP3,有关于新的Microsoft Network Policy Server (NPS)网络安全策略技术,这一技术将被应用在Windows Vista和Windows XP SP3中,并且这段话中明确表示Windows Vista和Windows Server 2008将支持该协议,Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)将在今年后提供支持。这让他们猜想Windows XP SP3是否在年内即可与我们见面?微软相关的开发人员对此作了回答:
更新:微软紧急修改了Press Release
"We have plans to release a third service pack for Windows XP, but right now our priority is Windows Vista. We have no other details on timing, or what the service pack will contain at this time. We will be sure to update you when we have more information to share."
"我们确实有发布Windows XP第三个服务包的计划,但目前优先级更高的是Windows Vista,对于发布时间,我们没有更多内容可以透露,在获取到更多消息后我们将与大家共享。"
起码这条消息已经确认了Windows XP SP3的存在,我们要做的只是等待。
Sorry, Windows XP fans. It looks like the "end of 2007" date for XP Service Pack (SP) 3 that was in a Microsoft press release issued this week was mistake. It's back to the "first half of 2008" target again.
微软在意识到表达错误之后,迅速在Press Release中修改了文段内容,将"end of 2007"修改回"first half of 2008"。