
互联网 | 编辑: 2007-06-12 00:30:00转载

The Papyrus e-dictionary from Sharp is not brand new but, just like any other high tech products it needs constant (slight?) updates to stay on top of its game. Today those updates are destined to the PW-TC920-B and PW-TC920-R (red).

The Papyrus e-dictionary from Sharp is not brand new but, just like any other high tech products it needs constant (slight?) updates to stay on top of its game. Today those updates are destined to the PW-TC920-B and PW-TC920-R (red).

The 1Seg TV tuner has been improved and now offers a better quality, the rest is pretty much the same and this can be considered as a good point. 480X272 ASV Screen, TouchScreen and lots of words in the database, what more can you ask for?




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