美国《华尔街日报》网站8月15日发表题为《中国网络群雄逐鹿奥运》(An Olympian Web War in China)的文章,在提及搜狐声称拥有的“网络广告投放特权”时,报道表明:这一说法至今仍然未能得到北京奥组委的澄清。
其它公司对于搜狐的一些主张表示反对,而北京奥组委则一直未出面澄清此事。由于存在不确定性,使得很多希望敲定奥运宣传计划的广告客户们陷入了进退两难的境地。宏盟集团(Omnicom Group Inc.)旗下的媒介购买公司浩腾媒体(OMD)大中华区互动媒体部门负责人Lawrence Wan表示,这些问题肯定是各有关方面高度关切的。浩腾媒体与强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)、通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)和威士国际组织(VISA International)等多家企业有业务关系。他表示,广告客户的奥运计划正处于中间阶段,此事让人不知所措。
And earlier this year, ad agencies say, Sohu started telling them that online ads from other sponsors that carry the Beijing Olympics logo can appear only on Sohu.com.
Sohu's Olympic coup gives the company a leg up on its rivals, which include China's three most popular online destinations (Sina.com, Netease.com and Tencent). "The sponsorship for the Beijing Olympics is exclusive," says Chen Luming, Olympic project manager for Sohu, which is traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market. "Of course this applies to online ads with the running-man Olympic logo."
Others contest some of Sohu's claims, and the Beijing committee hasn't clarified its stance on exclusivity. With all its uncertainties, the flap has advertisers in a quandary as they put finishing touches on their Olympic plans. "Those issues are definitely of grave concern for all involved," says Lawrence Wan, the China digital director of Omnicom Group media buying agency OMD, which is working for several partners including Johnson & Johnson, General Electric Co. and Visa International. Advertisers are currently in the middle of planning for the Olympics, and "there is mass confusion about this," he adds.