
互联网 | 编辑: 2008-06-16 11:39:37转载


距离问题制作人板垣伴信与老东家Tecmo的经济纠纷案件被曝光后不到2周,局势似乎又出现了进一步恶化的趋势。据长期致力于收集各种小道消息的美国著名游戏网站1UP的报道,有36名Team Ninja小组成员正准备辞职,并与板垣伴信一起将Tecmo联名告上法庭,其中不乏该小组的核心成员。

本月早些时候,《忍者龙剑传》系列和《死或生》系列的制作人板垣伴信,因为不满Tecmo高层在奖金分配等问题上的做法提出辞职,并控告公司违约及侵权。Tecmo官方随后接受了他的辞职,并确认板垣伴信的任期到7月1日结束,但当时公司曾保证Team Ninja及所有相关游戏品牌的推广和开发都不会受到影响。


毫无疑问的是,Temco依然掌握着《忍者龙剑传》系列和《死或生》系列的版权,所以无论板垣伴信何去何从,理论上这两个系列的开发都不会受到影响。但如果真如传闻所说的Team Ninja小组大批核心成员在此次事件中离开,那么这两个系列今后的发展也不得不令人担忧.




In case you thought Team Ninja's former boss, Tomonobu Itagaki, was leaving game publisher Tecmo as a solo act of attrition, think again. If that act was a single shot across Tecmo's bow, here comes the fusillade. Word on the street is that key members of Team Ninja -- as many as three dozen or more -- are headed out the door as well, but that's not all. It seems that each one of the soon to be ex-ninjas will be serving Tecmo with a class-action lawsuit in regards to unpaid bonuses for completed games.

 While Tecmo has fired back, stating, "Tecmo would like to assure its loyal fans that Team Ninja, known for its top-selling and critically acclaimed Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive franchises, is intact and, as a matter of fact, has several new projects already underway," one has to wonder just how many people are left that truly constitute the development group known as 'Team Ninja.' Journey was never the same after Steve Perry left, but imagine what it'd be like without the whole band. Yes, Tecmo still owns the IPs and can freely make all the Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive games/ports it wants to, with or without Team Ninja (Dimps, we're looking at you), but what will these games be without the people who made them hits?

 Another problem for Tecmo is that in Japan, any lawsuit filed against a publicly-traded company must be immediately reported to its shareholders on the same business day. The fact that Itagaki had actually filed a complaint against Tecmo in Tokyo District Court on May 14, but Tecmo management withheld this information from shareholders, possibly as late as when the notorious developer released his high-profile public statement on June 2, creates even bigger problems for the game publisher.

We'll have more on this drama as it unfolds, but with this peek into the myriad facets of Japanese law, it looks like Tecmo's shareholders better brace for even more bad news.




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