昨天,微软官方声明Windows Live OneCare并不在Windows 7的软件兼容性列表中。微软提醒Live OneCare用户从Vista升级到Windows 7 Beta后,Live OneCare将可能收到兼容性问题提示并无法工作。
此前微软曾承诺兼容于Vista的软件也将兼容于Windows 7,或许这就是个特例了。不过好在绝大多数软件都不存在兼容性问题。其实微软在这方面确实下了很大功夫也确实起了很好的效果,毕竟,兼容性需要软件厂商和微软共同解决。
对此问题,微软建议用户“由于该软件无法在Windows 7下正常工作,因此我们建议用户在升级到WIndows 7前先通过控制面板卸载掉。”同时,微软还提醒用户,如果此前通过Live OneCare备份过数据,务必在卸载前恢复数据。
好在由于只支持英文版系统 ,国内用户用Live OneCare的寥寥无几,对咱们的影响不算太大。
Microsoft has offered official confirmation that Windows Live OneCare is not on the list of security solutions compatible with pre-release development milestones of Windows 7. The Redmond company acknowledged that upgrading copies of Windows Vista running OneCare to Windows 7 Beta would produce an error message informing users that the security product failed to play nice with the next iteration of the Windows client. As a general rule of compatibility, Microsoft promised that software designed for Vista would also work with Windows 7. This is not the case when it comes down to Windows Live OneCare.