
互联网 | 编辑: 李昌--见习 2009-06-02 11:30:00转载

根据经济日报报导,MSI 可能会在即将到来的 Computex 2009 展出采用 Android 操作系统的 netbook,语毕!

根据经济日报报导,MSI 可能会在即将到来的 Computex 2009 展出采用 Android 操作系统 netbook,语毕!


 简单说,去年的 Computex netbook 跟着 Windows XP 起飞的场合,而今年则有可能是 Android netbook 操作系统的契机,之前已经听过、看过一票包括 HPDELL、华硕、宏碁等公司都有对 Android 是否适合在 netbook 上安装,做了一些大大小小的测试,现在就看到底是谁要来打响这第一炮啰!


It was at the 2008 Computex show in Taipei where we saw the coming-out party for Atom-based netbooks running XP. With any luck, Computex 2009, which begins June 2nd, will usher in the era of the Android-based netbook. That's where the Economic Daily News claims MSI will "showcase" its Android-based netbook as MSI begins shopping reference designs around to the major PC vendors. Of course, HP, Dell, ASUS, Acer, and others have already been seen experimenting with Android netbooks. XP may be paranoid, but it's no android.




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