Phone Keyboard made DELUX

互联网 | 编辑: 李凯男 2007-09-19 00:30:00原创

Speak, you like that so much. You can speak very fast during hours and hours without any break, you are a real athlete! When you phone your friend they just put the phone on their desk and go to sopping when you are still speaking...Actually, you are a ph

phone keyboard made DELUX

Speak, you like that so much. You can speak very fast during hours and hours without any break, you are a real athlete! When you phone your friend they just put the phone on their desk and go to sopping when you are still speaking...Actually, you are a phone addict. This keyboard with a phone will be your paradise.

This phone keyboard is made to being used with Skype, msn, QQ... You don’t need t do anything special to run it. Just put the USB connection and you are ready to use it.

The keyboard got 19 pre-programmable notes in order to set up your call, your music reader and turn of your computer. There is one bigger note to set up the volume.


I have to say that this key board is just not the top of the range, plastics quality is not very got and materials used to made it seems cheap.
Let’s go to the most important part: the phone, it is on the right of the keyboard, why on the right? I don’t know. Most of users take their mouse with the right hand and the phone with the left so I think it would be better to have the phone on the left.
You can use this phone like every phone or put it on your desk, the speaker will give you the sound and your hands will be free. During test sound of the speaker and of the phone was nice.

I think the idea to put a phone on a keyboard is very nice for people which have to spend a long time at phone in their office and for people which like phone in foreign country but I deplore that the quality of the keyboard is not very good for an innovating product. Next step might be to integrate a web camera in the keyboard, all of this with a high quality,and put a coffee machine too but stop dreaming, for now it’s just a keyboard...



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