显卡医生 GPU Caps Viewer1.8.0发布

互联网 | 编辑: 李涛 2009-12-22 00:00:00编译
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电脑之家(PChome)12月22日消息,近日著名显卡检测软件GPU Caps Viewer发布了最新的1.8.0版,新版本加入了大量针对OpenGL3.1和OpenGL3.2的测试,并提供了更全面的显卡支持范围,而且软件还修正了上一版本出现的内存容量错误的Bug,强烈建议玩家更新

GPU Caps Viewer 1.8.0 具体更新内容如下:
- New: added four OpenCL GPU / CPU demos. These demos use an OpenGL 3.1 or 3.2 code path.
- New: added two OpenGL 3 demos.
- New: added OpenCL panel for OpenCL capable devices.
- New: for Radeon, display of core and memory frequencies (idle / UVD / 3D).
- New: added GPU Computing checkboxes.
- New: reorganization of the first panel to display essential information.
- Change: reorganization of the first panel to display essential information.
- Change: updated OpenGL extensions database links.
- Change: updated GPU database with latest GeForce, Radeon and Intel.
- Change: Mb in MB.
- Removed Show PhysX Properties button
- Bugfix: Bugfix: OpenGL version in xml report fixed.
- Bugfix: wrong system memory size for system with more than 2G

与传统的GPU-Z不同之处在于,GPU Caps Viewer的检测更加全面,并可以同时显示CPU、内存等信息。




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