为多屏优化 Catalyst9.12 hotfix发布

互联网 | 编辑: 李涛 2009-12-22 00:00:00编译

电脑之家(PChome)12月22日消息,在刚刚发布新的Catalyst 9.12之后仅一天,AMD就为其发布了一款补丁,新版驱动中的加入的新功能包括:

当使用ATI Stream SDK v2.0时,将赋予GPU更强的性能,可以使用这一特性的产品包括Radeon HD5970,HD5800,HD5700,HD4000以及FireStream 9200系列显卡。


- Performance drops observed with a supported ATI CrossFireX configuration when using the thermal scope while playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare
- Performance drops during the opening cinematic of Resident Evil 5
- Wheelman freezes while loading the game menu and can't play further
- The desktop mouse cursor becomes enlarged at random while using Windows 7
- Flashing in various OpenGL titles - City of Heroes, Enemy Territories: Quake Wars, Rid****
- Heaven benchmark (DirectX 9 mode) - Grass flickers and white boarders observed around the edges
- DTS-HD and Dolby True-HD not working properly with certain receivers while using HDMI connection on ATI Radeon HD 5000 Series






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