尼康新旗舰DSLR D3s获得NASA采购订单

互联网 | 编辑: 魏申杰 2009-12-23 14:00:00原创 返回原文

尼康(Nikon)21日在官方网站发布消息称,刚在1个多月前上市的的尼康旗下专业数码单反相机全新旗舰级产品 Nikon D3s已经获得了来自美国航空航天局(NASA)的采购订单。NASA的订单包括了11台Nikon D3s DSLR相机机身以及7支 AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm F/2.8G ED镜头。



尼康(Nikon)21日在官方网站发布消息称,刚在1个多月前上市的的尼康旗下专业数码单反相机全新旗舰级产品 Nikon D3s已经获得了来自美国航空航天局(NASA)的采购订单。NASA的订单包括了11台Nikon D3s DSLR相机机身以及7支 AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm F/2.8G ED镜头。




Nikon Corporation (Michio Kariya, President) is pleased to announce that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has placed an order for eleven D3S digital SLR cameras and seven AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED lenses to be used for photographic documentation.

The D3S digital SLR cameras and AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED lenses ordered by NASA will be carried on the Space Shuttle and used to photograph activities at the International Space Station (ISS) in the future.
No special modifications will be made to these products. They will be the same products available to end-users, confirming the incredible versatility of the D3S. This equipment will be used along with the Nikon D2XS digital SLR cameras, NIKKOR lenses, and Nikon Speedlights already in use at the International Space Station.

Nikon has spent many years contributing to NASA's study of space through the development and manufacture of advanced and extremely durable cameras as well as of NIKKOR lenses that make the most of Nikon's optical technologies, and of which production has recently reached fifty million units. To date, NASA has captured more than 700,000 images using Nikon equipment carried into space. Space, however, is not the only extreme environment in which Nikon equipment is used. Nikon also provides official observation equipment used in exploring the Antarctic. Nikon equipment contributes to observation and research of these little explored regions with durability, reliability and technical capabilities that stand up to even the most severe environments.

Nikon's history with NASA

In addition, already about 15 types of NIKKOR lenses (more than 35 lenses all together) are kept aboard the International Space Station for intravehicular and extravehicular photography to provide continued support for NASA's space activities.

* Nikon F equipped with Photomic FTN viewfinder that supports TTL center-weighted metering

The D3S was released in November 2009 as the latest flagship model for Nikon FX-format digital SLR cameras. This camera is equipped with a new CMOS sensor (36.0 × 23.9 mm) developed by Nikon and supports standard ISO sensitivity settings of 200 to 12800. Sensitivity can also be set as high as Hi 3 (ISO 102400 equivalent) or as low as Lo 1 (ISO 100 equivalent). Image-degrading noise has been minimized to enable shooting at high sensitivities under even extremely dim lighting. In addition, the D3S is equipped with the D-Movie function, enabling HD video capture and includes high-sensitivity movie mode and movie editing functions for trimming start and ending footage or saving selected frames as JPEG stills. Naturally, the camera itself is representative of an all-round flagship model offering basic performance and operation that meet the strict demands (fast, support for high sensitivities, superior image quality) of professional and advanced amateur photographers in a number of fields, including the press, sports and nature photography.

The AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED is the world's first ultra wide-angle, zoom lens to offer a focal length of 14mm with a maximum aperture of f/2.8. The performance of this lens has been extremely well received by the camera industry, and recognized by Europe's Technical Image Press Association (TIPA), which awarded it The Best Professional Lens in Europe 2008, and the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA), which awarded it European Professional Lens 2008-2009.


2009年12月,NASA(美国国家航空航天局)已于近期订购了11台D3S数码单镜反光相机和7支AF-S尼克尔14-24mm f/2.8G ED镜头,用于摄影纪实工作。

NASA订购的D3S数码单镜反光相机和AF-S尼克尔14-24mm f/2.8G ED镜头将被安装在航天飞机上,用于拍摄国际空间站上的活动。这些产品不会作任何特别改造,与普通用户所使用的产品完全一样。这证明了D3S相机的多功能性。这些设备将与已经投入国际空间站使用的尼康D2XS数码单镜反光相机、尼克尔镜头和尼康闪光灯一起工作。



1971年 尼康Photomic FTN*(NASA规格)应用于阿波罗15号上。

1980年 将以尼康F3为原型并自带马达驱动的“小型相机”和使用长胶片的F3“大型相机”提供给NASA。“小型相机”被携带到第二年发射的哥伦比亚号航天飞机上。

1991年 将尼康F4和F4S提供给NASA

1999年 尼康F5和AF尼克尔镜头被携带到发现号航天飞机上,以拍摄舱外活动。

2008年 将D2XS数码单镜反光相机提供给NASA。6台D2XS相机在太空被用于记录检测和维护等活动。


* 尼康F相机配备Photomic FTN取景器,支持TTL中央重点测光。


D3S于2009年11月问世,是尼康FX格式数码单镜反光相机的最新旗舰产品。此相机配备了尼康新开发的CMOS感应器(36.0 × 23.9 mm),标准感光度设置为ISO 200~ISO 12800。感光度最高可设置为Hi 3(相当于ISO 102400),最低可调节到Lo 1(相当于ISO 100)。相机最大程度降低了拍摄时所产生的快门噪音,同时确保在极端昏暗的环境中可以高感光度拍摄。D3S还配备了数码短片拍摄功能,可以进行高清短片拍摄,自带高感光度短片模式和短片编辑功能,可以剪切片头和片尾或将选定画面保存为静态JPEG格式。可以说此相机是一款典型的全能旗舰相机,其优异性能和操作性,可满足包括新闻、体育和自然摄影等各领域的专业摄影师和资深爱好者对高速、高感光度和高影像质量的苛刻要求。

AF-S尼克尔14-24mm f/2.8G ED

AF-S尼克尔14-24mm f/2.8G ED镜头是拥有超宽视角的变焦镜头,焦距达14mm,最大光圈达f/2.8。此镜头的性能得到业内人士的欢迎,并被欧洲技术影像出版协会(TIPA)授予“2008 欧洲最佳专业级镜头”,以及欧洲影音协会授予的“2008-2009 欧洲专业镜头”。






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