电脑之家(PChome)12月24日消息,在刚推出GPU Caps 1.8.0之后仅几天时间,ozone3d就再次发布了GPU Caps Viewer 1.8.1,新版本针对ATI最新的ATI Stream SDK v2.0.0进行了升级,加入了名为Julia 4D的新Demo测试。建议想对显卡进行简单测试的玩家更新。
GPU Caps 1.8.1具体更新内容如下:
- Change: added the use of the GL interop preview available in ATI Stream SDK v2.0.0 for Julia 4D and 1M Particle demos. Due to some instability, the GL interop is not enabled by default. To enable GL interop, start GPU Caps with the batch file Start_OpenCL_With_GLInterop.bat.
- New: added a command line parameter to disable OpenCL support (/disable_cl_support).
- Bugfix: added the specification of context properties in clCreateContextFromType (instead of NULL) for ATI Stream SDK v2.0.0.
对既能检测GPU及其他硬件信息,又能对显卡进行简单测试的GPU Caps 1.8.1软件感兴趣的玩家可以点击链接进入官方下载页面:http://www.ozone3d.net/gpu_caps_viewer/