上午Camera West的一则消息勾起了笔者对于莱卡M数码版的兴趣,特别是这个“从非官方途径获得的官方命名”(具体解释见后文)让有关M系列旁轴数码相机的传言的可信度大大增加。面对经典旁轴的延续,笔者不禁满怀憧憬。 毕竟在电子化程度越来越高的数码时代,一个又一个老牌厂
Type Marking
This Leica M lens is equipped with a 6-bit barcode marking on its bayonet flange for use on the digital LEICA M8 . This marking enables digital M models to detect the type of lens attached by using the sensors in the camera's bayonet flange.
The LEICA M8 writes the lens information it has read to the EXIF file and uses this for processor-aided optimization of image quality. This code also allows the focal length of the lens to be displayed in the camera monitor.
This Leica M lens can also be used on Leica M models up to the LEICA M7.
Supplement to the tips on lens care for type-marked Leica M lenses
Ensure that you do not apply too much grease to the bayonet flange and especially that you leave the lens code area ungreased, otherwise residues of grease might become lodged in the recess, allowing more dirt to accumulate. This could ultimately impair the legibility of the code and consequently the camera functions of the LEICA M8 ."
这段文字的大意是:这个莱卡M镜头已经配备了6bit的数字识别码,这一编码被标示在卡口的边缘,这一编码可以让Leica M8识别出镜头的型号并进行相应的调整,从而保证出色的成像品质。这一信息将被写入EXIF信息,并且能显示在相机的屏幕上。为了有效识别这个编码,用户使用的时候要保证编码部分的清洁。
莱卡公布数字信息识别码技术的时候就说明是为数码相机而设计的,而这份来自莱卡官方的传单上多次提到“Leica M8”,并且告诉大家这款M8拍摄的照片有EXIF信息,而且镜头信息会显示在相机屏幕上,从这两点判断,莱卡M8应该就是那款大家盼望已久的M系列数码相机,而且既然连传单都以发出,那正是发布就指日可待了!