
互联网 | 编辑: 2010-05-10 16:32:18转载 一键看全文


You can obviously test this really easily yourselves, but here are the basic numbers I came up with for anyone who is too lazy. I'm assuming that the income counter on replays is measured in units per minute:


1 worker mining at minimum proximity can collect around 40.5 resources per minute (gas and minerals mine at the same rate)一个农民采矿,每分钟最低 40.5单位资源(矿和气都是这么多);2 workers mining any node will acquire fully double what one would, but if a node 1 space farther is given a third worker, this third worker will increase your MPM(minerals per minute) by roughly 30 instead of 40, because there is a brief period of waiting for the previous worker to finish.Dancing workers (a third worker on a proximity node) only increase your tally by roughly 2.5 MPM, after which point the increases get exponentially smaller.


Full saturation of a normal mineral field yields approximately 800MPM, whereas saturation with a misplaced HQ yields roughly 850-860MPM with a ceiling of about 900当一片普通矿区达到饱和状态后,正常3格的大本位置每分钟的收入大约是800矿,而远点4 格的大本位置每分钟收入大约是850-860矿,最多能到900;if you take 3/4 of that (x2)(for 6 nodes as opposed to 8) this is about 1200MPM with normal placement on a high yield with full saturation, meaning you would get minerals at an increase of about 100-120MPM.


May not sound like much but one extra zealot a minute and having your high-yield mined out a couple minutes before your opponent can make a big difference in a close game.


I see very little downside to this if you are able to saturate the mineral field immediately. Other than harassment becoming slightly more effective. What do you people think?


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