
互联网 | 编辑: 2010-11-01 09:45:40 一键看全文




首先是第五职业公布的过程实录,引出 Geek:

10:57 Sorry for the delay, had trouble getting connected to the net here

10:57 The opening ceremonies are about to start, deep voice just told us to sit.

10:59 lights are dimming, it's starting

11:00 Intro movie is playing, showcasing cata, d3

11:00 oh, and sc2

11:02 Gary Platner from the WoW team is introducing BlizzCon, getting the fans pumped up

11:04 Mike Morhaime is coming on stage.

11:06 He's going over Blizz accomplishments/milestones this year

11:07 Blizzard's 20th anniversary is coming up this February!

11:08 Won't be long now until we get to the meat and potatoes of the opening ceremonies

11:09 Blizzard is making DoTA for SC2

11:10 Blizz donated 1.1 million to make a wish thanks to pandaren monk purchases in WoW

11:11 The moonkin hatchling pet for WoW was announced (wheres the d3 announcements!)

11:15 He's going over SC2 stuff, I'm sure none of you care. Mostly about the GSL.

11:15 Highlight reel from BlizzCon 2009 is playing

11:15 [Comment From RobGRobG: ] Whats the GSL?

11:16 It's a SC2 competition in Korea, biggest prize pool ever for a SC2 tourney.

11:17 Highlights from SC2 launch playing now

11:17 Highlights from SC2 competitions playing now

11:18 This is promising, usually the save the biggest announcements for the end and there hasnt been much on D3 yet. I talked to Jay Wilson yesterday and he said this year was D3's BlizzCon :)

11:19 Highlight reels have ended, Mike is back

11:21 Going over the closing ceremony act tomorrow (Tenacious D)

11:22 Jack Black is awesome

11:23 World of Warcraft's expansion will be available digitally for the first time on launch.

11:23 Preorders will go live soon

11:24 Major update on D3, Chris Metzen coming on stage

11:25 He's pumping up the fans right now

11:27 Here it comes!

11:29 Maybe not, he sure knows how to leave us hanging

11:29 He's talking about the word "Geek" now

11:32 He's yelling "Geek is" on each slide he shows (transformers, captain america etc...)

11:35 He's giving props to Everquest

11:39 The "Geek" bit is wrapping up

11:40 Here comes the announcement(s)

11:41 "We've got some business to discuss" - Metzen

11:41 The room just went red with D3 logos on the screens

11:41 The 5th class is about to be revealed

11:41 Trailer is playing

11:42 The chick looks kind of like Sylvannas

11:43 Bow

11:43 It's a Hunter

11:44 Holy crap this looks awesome

11:45 5th Class: Demon Hunter

11:45 They have another announcement for D3

11:45 PvP battle arenas announced, video coming on

11:47 3v3 team battles being shown

11:47 Ears a confirmed drop in PvP :)

11:48 That's it for the opening ceremonies, check D3Db.com later today, we'll have the full announcements and videos that were just shown up on the site.

11:48 Thanks for tuning in!

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