2月25日 上午9:47 联邦地方法院2号休息室
御剑对我宣布将在5分钟内解决战斗 宣布Lana有罪 我对他说如果这样将无法了解两年前事件的真相 以
2月25日 上午10:00 联邦地方法院9号审判庭
一开始Gant站了出来 说Lana想向法庭提一项要求 她的要求是:直接宣布她有罪 她承认所有对她的指控
今年2月21日 她在检控机关办公室地下停车场谋杀了Goodman 她竟然拒绝了我的辩护 就在法官即将宣布
结果的时候 御剑华丽的喊出了“我反对!”从这时开始 他开始和我站到了一起 在他的要求下 第一证人
更换成了Ema skye
---Two Years Ago---
1.I was waiting in my sister's office that day.
2.A man came running in,and took me hostage.
3.Neil Marshall rescued me,
4.but I'll never forget what I saw that instant!
5.That man raised up his knife,and...and stabbed Mr.Marshall in the chest...!
对第4句威慑 选择谈谈Goodman和关于那副画 第4句发生变化
4.I drew a picture of that scene once... but it seems to have been lost.
对第4句举证半张证物清单 在背面发现了Ema的画 在御剑手里的半张背后也发现了画
---Ema's Picture---
1.This is the picture I drew two years ago.
2.The flash of lighting was so bright all I could see were shadows.
3.After that I must have fainted.
4.This picture shows exactly what I saw that instant!
对第4局举证Neil的尸检报告 指出罪犯手里的匕首头部 接下来两个人对喷了一会儿口水
对御剑提出的是否还有另一把断掉头部的匕首选还有另一把 指证局长办公室里的照片
两张画合并在一起之后 Ema再次作证
---Ema's Recollection---
1.When I saw that man raise his knife...
2.I panicked,and rushed toward both of them.
3.I think I...I knocked away the man with the knife.
4.Just then there was another flash of lightning,and that's when I saw...the Blue Badger!
5.He wasn't in the room,but I'm sure I saw his shadow!
对第4句指证罐子 把罐子旋转180度 再上下调整一下 会发现和蓝獾的头部一模一样
针对证人看到罐子形状的不同 选位置不同 真实的凶案现场 应该发生在Gant办公室那边
接下来的陈词引出了其实Ema是凶手的假设 御剑提出被害人可能在证物中留下了线索 选择有的
指证罐子 把表面的血点连起来 显示出来的是Ema...
这时Gant跳了出来 指责两年前御剑错判一个清白的人死刑 引起了旁听席的长时间喧哗
2月25日 下午12:06 联邦地方法院2号休息室
Lana让系锯给我送来一本证物法 让我好好看看
2月25日 下午12:52 联邦地方法院9号审判庭
法官一开始支支吾吾 御剑自己提出担心他和证人串供的话 由我来提名证人 是提名真正的凶手的时候了
证人amon Gant
---SL-9 Incident---
1.As I recall,Neil and I were questioning him that day.
2.To make a long story short,we slipped up.That power outage didn't help either.
3.When I went to my office,I found Lana there.
4.Apparently she had already "arranged" the crime scene.
5.As you can see,I had nothing to do with the "forgery".
对第5句举证证物清单 把Gant和伪造证据联系在了一起 就这个问题继续
1.For all I know,you could have planted them in my office.
2.Anyway,you can't prove "when" those pieces of evidence were discovered.
3.If they were found after Darke was convicted,then they're worthless.
4.There's no reason I'd participate in a forgery.
5.Rearranging the crime scene wouldn't help me out in any way.
全部威慑完后被御剑指出出于自己的目的帮助别人做伪证 被Gant否认 第5句发生变化
5.I wouldn't be anyone's "accomplice" if there was nothing in it for me.
对第5句威慑 选择指出同谋是Lana 然后依次指证ID号列表、遗失物品报告单、螺丝刀
下面选择我没有铁证证明Gant杀害了Goodman Gant竟然和别人吃午餐去了……
就在我别无选择 让Lana出来作证的时候 Gant又回来了 当众以判Ema有罪相威胁(这都行?)
2月25日 下午2:04 联邦地方法院2号休息室
证人:Lana Skye
---Gant&The Fabrication---
1.I worked alongside Gant for years...
2.There's no truth to this "blackmail" theory.
3.I fabricated the evidence two years ago all by myself.
4.When I found Prosecutor Marshall's body,I rearranged the crime scene.
5.My only motivation was to get Darke convicted.It had nothing to do with Ema.
4.I broke off the tip of Darke's knife,planted it inside the wound,then moved the body.
对第4句威慑 选择你为什么移动尸体 增加第5句
5.The pieces of the jar that shattered during the events threatened my plan.
对第5句指证罐子 御剑请Lana讲出事件的真相
---Jar&Message in Blood---
1.I immediately noticed the blood traces on the jar,
2.but it was dark in the room and I didn't have time to check it out.
3.To be safe,I wiped away the blood.
4.The fragments were large,so I'm sure I got them all.
5.All I could think about was wiping them clean before they were discovered.
对第4句指证罐子 我得出结论 Gant是第一个进入犯罪现场的人 我认为如果Gant做了这个手脚 他就有可
能做了更大的手脚 因此我请Lana就真实的情况做证
---Actual Crime Scene---
Lana说有一张可以做为证据的照片给了我 就夹在证物书里 出示它
证言开始 Lana口还没张 Gant就闻风而至 他请我出示他保险柜里的布片 我选的是"我没有证据可以出示
^-^" 一段Gant口里的真相过后 我选择出示证据 那块保险柜里的布片 虽然上面有Ema的指纹 但是和另
一件证物之间有着决定性的矛盾 Lana提供的那张照片
一番辩论之后 选择I didn't 然后出示证物法 后面的情节就全是自动了 大家欣赏Gant对御剑讲的富有
对了 最后出示的表示两个人有默契的证物是合而为一的那样东西 ^-^