
互联网 | 编辑: 2005-09-26 12:04:36


    Perspective on BM since 1.7 patch (PVP) | 9/21/2005 10:26:34 PM PDT

    原贴地址:http://forums.worldofwarcraft.co ... mp;tmp=1#post710765

    After spending some time on the test server trying out some different builds I decided to go (31/20) on the live server. My intial thoughts on this build were extremely good, but now I would have to say I have mixed feelings. Dueling with this build is very easy and for the first time I found myself taking mages, wars and priests down with total ease.

    However my experiences in grp pvp (AB,WSG) have been very different. With BW (Bestial Wrath) on a 2-min cooldown you have to be very "selective" as to when you use it. Intimidation is only on a 1-min cooldown but as a BM hunter we heavily rely on our pets DPS in order to take down opponents quickly. Without BW my chances of taking many of those classes down are now very slim even with Intimidation.

    I have read numerous posts of people talking about how GODLY pets are now. Sure I can take 3-4 rogues down but if they have any clue how to pk or if they were really trying to kill me then they could. Some of these posts about BM hunters owning 3-4 people is pure insanity.

    I am also finding myself getting trashed by Marks/Surv hunters. For the haters out there, yes I know how to pvp and I have been told I am quite skilled at it. The opponents I am basing this on are people who are also skilled and have a clue. I would love to hear some feedback from other fellow BM hunters as to their findings as well.


    Personally, I've been a BM hunter since launch (and even a little before), and it is my honest opinion that we can be just as effective in group pvp as anyone else.

    I've got a 37/14/0 build, for the extra range and aimed shot. While I cannot give any insight into the massive 40 vs 40 pvp battles of AV, in WSG and especially AB I find I've got a distinct advantage over everyone else. In AB, about 75% of the encounters you'll have will be less than 5vs5 because of the way people split up to cover more ground. What's most advantageous of the new pets, is how other classes don't know how to cope with them. It's very easy to say something like "Just go after the hunter and the pet will despawn", but when the pet is churning out over 200dps due to BW, it becomes a high priority target.

    This is especially true, I've found when I run outside of my own maximum range, and force the player to try hopelessly to chase after me, or change focus to my pet. At which point I walk back into range and open fire.

    Everyone who was a BM hunter pre 1.7 knows how laughable intimidation was, but now even on a 1 min timer it packs a punch. I've caught pal's just before they shield themselves, priests and druids before they heal, and even other hunters trying to run away :P. Honestly, my pet's saved my arse more times than I can count since receiving his upgrade.


    Great PvP'ers dont have to be told they are good to know it. Your post betrays resignation brought about by a lack of confidence -- you aren't that good.

    But that's good news! Because you can improve. BM hunters are at the top of the PvP foodchain in arathi basin. Rogues, priests, warlocks, warriors, shaman, none of these should stand a chance against you 1v1. Paladins take way too long to kill, but its always been that way, and its not like they have a chance in hell of killing YOU.
    但也有好的一方面。因为你能意识到,就说明你还会进步。兽王猎人位于arathi basin战场(1.7的新战场)食物链的最顶端。盗贼,牧师,术士,战士,萨满,这些职业中的任何一个和兽王猎人1V1时都是没有机会的。要杀骑士会需要一点时间,但小强本来就是小强,而且小强能杀死你的可能性依然很小。

    A skilled BM hunter's main opposition is any skilled hunter with better gear (exploit deadzone and superior pet vs 0/21/30) and any mage loaded down with +crit and +damage (and then, only if your cooldowns are up).

    And yeah, broken tooth with 90 resist (all) IS godly. If you are having problems, its weak gear, weak skill, or a combination of both.




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