照片中从左到右是(部分前后排):Campbel上校(Aono Takeshi)l,Otacon (Tanaka Hideyuki),Meryl (Terase Kyoko),Liquid Snake(Ginga Banjo),小岛先生, Naom,(Tsuru Hiromi),Snake (Otsuka Oi)和Raiden (Horiushi Kenyu)。
- 我想人们会为Snake在本作结尾时…蜂鸣音…而大吃一惊。
- Cambell之所以这么老是因为…蜂鸣音…。
- Snake之所以会发病是因为…蜂鸣音…。
下面是Snake在演示里说的一段话:“The face of war has changed. It moved from a policy of determent to all-out control, and with this, the threat from weapons of mass destruction disappeared. The control of the battlefield also meant the control of history. The face of war has changed. With the control of the battlefield, war became eternal.”
- Solid Snake
To throw this in from Murata's old blog
- 原定的TGS演示只有10秒钟场,只是为了演示Snake的新模型,只有Snake一个人站在风中,头带随风飘舞。
- 小岛临时决定要给演示加入更多的内容,于是演示从10秒钟变成了9分钟。
- Otacon的最终模型与TGS演示里的比起来改变非常大。
- 所有的材质贴图都是赶工赶出来。