
互联网 | 编辑: 2005-05-19 00:00:00转载 返回原文


我买M6其实就因为这张照片《祖母屋里火塘暖》。当时我用EOS1V+EF28-70和EOS30+EF35F/2拍摄, 因为光线非常暗, 又不想开闪光灯,于是拍虚的多, 就一张还算清晰.拍的满身大汗就因为AF拉风箱, 还怕端不住.于是,在与大妈交谈的时候还要浑身紧张端住相机……
回家后苦苦思索, 该如何面对这交谈距离, 弱光下的拍摄. 几经周折, 终于买了M6+35/1.4+24/2.8.这是2002年初的事情了。现在仔细想来, 无非是要在交谈距离用大光圈拍摄. 这交谈距离该是一米左右吧.
最近又发烧起来, 狂看资料. “CLOSE –UO PERFORMANCE”几个字跳入眼中. 这可能是最接近”交谈距离”概念了. 现在把有关的资料罗列下来, 看看当交谈距离拍摄的时候, 该如何选用镜头.每只头的资料后有简短体会,那是基于交谈拍摄的想法的一点体会或猜测.谬误之处难免,请DX们指点.

一、21 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH点( 最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“Close-up performance Close-up performance at full aperture is better than that of the producing higher overall contrast. More important, the high level of micro-contrast gives a clear rendering of very fine image details over the entire field, including the extreme corners. Even the performance from the center to the corners for the complete range of apertures is quite impressive.”
最大光圈时近摄表现好过Elmarit-M f/2.8,能产生较高的全象场反差。更重要的是,高水平的细微反差让全象场的影象细微细节得到清晰的演绎,即使在四个角落也如此。从中央到角落在所有光圈下的表现都相当让人难忘。
即使用.58的机身, 也要用外置取景器, 外观过于张扬, 会引起被摄人物的注意力,于拍摄不利.

二、24 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH( 最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“At close range (± 70cm, approximately ±28 inches), this excellent performance is preserved. A wide angle lens like a 24mm is not recommended if its closeup performance is not the same as its performance at infinity. As most lenses are optimized for longer distances, we need to stop down to f/5,6 to get the best of performance in the close-up range.”
在近摄距离(70公分左右),这只镜头仍然保留着优秀表现。24毫米这样的广角镜头如果最近摄表现不能和无限远时相当,那么它是不会被推荐的。因为大多数镜头是为较远距离而优化的,所以我们需要收小光圈至F/5。6, 以便在近摄时得到最好的表现。我用这镜头以报道方式拍摄了一些场景, 并在近摄中得到了很有趣的图片.用这棵镜头的关键是要在1米到两米的范围内选好主体.
用.58机身的时候, 如果不戴眼镜, 那么可以把眼睛贴进目镜, 把取景窗的最大象场做为取景窗, 实用感觉八九不离十. 但是要注意取景的时候, 向左上方(取景框对角线防线)移动一个距离, 这距离和景物的远近有关系,要自己体会调整, 这算是视差补偿.拍这张片的时候补偿视差,让我心里没底, 但是结果还算好.

三、35 mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH( 最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“Close up performance (±1 meter) is good for both ASPH lenses. At full aperture the Summilux-M ASPH 35 mm however shows curvature of field and vignetting. Here I would not go into a detailed comparison. Both are very competent in this area, with the slightly ahead.”
两只镜头的近距离拍摄(1米左右)表现都不错。在最大光圈时Summilux-M ASPH 35表现出场曲(象场变形)和渐晕(暗角)。我不打算仔细比较两只镜头,两只镜头在这种情形下都很出众, 而Summicron-M ASPH 35 mm稍好。
用.58机身加上这只镜头时, 可以做到一目了然, 在交谈距离拍摄的时候可以更好地照顾到场景中的动向.在云南拍摄”开心的转经老人”的时候, 我充分体会到这一点.


最近我买了1.25X, 近距离聚焦的时候, 眼睛没那么累了.这在拍”喇嘛的厨房”的时候,或许更爽.拍这片的时候, 不是那么从容, 因为不知道喇嘛们是否会干涉, 但是自己又怕前景色的聚焦不好, 于是那紧张就别提了. 拍完后直后悔没带珍珠明目液.有了1.25X也许会更舒服一点.

四、50mm f/2.8 Elmar-M(最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“Close-up performance of the Elmar-M is excellent at full aperture.”
借用朋友的这镜头拍过一张试镜片, 是在室内台灯旁边拍的, 感觉还不错.聚焦很容易. 考虑到弱光场景时, F2.8似乎不够大

五、50m f/2 Summicron-M(current)(最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“Close-up performance of the Summicron-M is on the same level as the performance at infinity setting (actually infinity is that distance where the incoming light rays are parallel to the optical axis. For most lenses this condition is satisfied at about 100 times the focal length).”
近摄表现与无穷远时相当(事实上, 无穷远处的光线是平行光轴入射的. 对多数镜头而言,大约100倍焦距的物距时, 入射光满足这一条件).
看来这是一只可以放心在交谈距离拍摄的镜头. 有不少朋友向我推荐过这只镜头,也试着装在机器上看了看, 这只镜头很朴实, 小巧可爱, 实用的时候应该不会太过引人注意.

六、50mm f/1.4 Summilux-M( 最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“Close-up performance shows crisp rendering of fine details from f/2.8. Close-ups at full aperture are to be avoided if very good imagery is required”
看来若是弱光环境, 交谈距离拍摄表现不太好.


七、50mm f/1 Noctilux-M( 最近拍摄距离1.0米)
“Close-up pictures (±1 meter pr 3’3”) at full aperture should be considered carefully,as the very shallow depth of field will produce a razor thin sharpness
plane with very fuzzy out of focus planes.”
要慎重考虑在全开光圈下近摄(一米左右),因为很浅的景深会造成锐利无比的焦平面, 焦外很模糊.
没用过, 不知其甘苦.推测:若能克服聚焦的辛苦, 那么一定是弱光,交谈距离拍摄的利器.不过那硕大的体积和接近其它镜头两倍的重量实在外出不方便, 而且容易引人注意. 在记实拍摄的时候也许不方便.

八、Summilux-M 1:1.4/50mm ASPH( 最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“For the first time in a Leica M lens, a ‘floating element’ is used to maintain imaging performance even in close-focus ranges down to 0.7m。”
作为第一次在LEICA M系镜头应用, 浮动元件维系了影响在近摄距离到0.7米的影象表现.

“The floating element improves the quality in the near focussing range. Reduction in image quality will normally occur around the distance of 3 meters and less with high-speed lenses. The floating element does correct this reduction quite effectively, but to a certain limit. When you are in the close up distances from 0.7 to about 1 meter, the floating element can improve matters quite a bit, but then at the wider apertures we get soft images. For best quality in this focusing range, we need to stop down to /5.6 or smaller to get good imagery. We should not imagine that with the floating element, we get a high-speed lens with near macro capabilities. We should stay realistic in our demands. What the floating element accomplishes, is a visual improvement of the quality in the outer zones and a contrast improvement from 1 meter to 3 meters, where the wider apertures will now perform at the optimum of the lens.”
其中的浮动元件改善了近焦范围内的象质。使用高速镜头时,影象质量下降通常会发生在被拍摄主体位于三米以内。浮动元件在有限的程度上为此做了相当有效的矫正。当你在0。7米到1米的近距离时,浮动元件能够对影象质量做不少改善,但是在较大的光圈时,我们得到的影象变柔。在这个聚焦范围内为了得到最好的影象质量,我们需要把光圈收小到F/5。6或更小。我们不能够想象因为有了浮动元件,我们就有了一个能力巨大的高速镜头。我们应该停留在需求的现实中。 浮动元件所起到的作用是, 明显改善影象边缘区域象质,提高在1米到3米的范围内聚焦时的影象反差(较大光圈表现在该镜头的优化位置中)。
看来50/1.4的近摄能力要搞好不容易啊. 这新头费了这么大的劲才敢说”当你在0。7米到1米的近距离时,浮动元件能够对影象质量做不少改善,但是在较大的光圈时,我们得到的影象变柔。”
所以, EP的测试总结说最好买一只50mm f/2.8 Elmar-M作为近摄的补充.看来在50焦段, 弱光下交谈距离拍摄处在两难的境地了.真要两只一起下手?
根据以上的体会, 看来在”照顾到弱光场景下交谈距离拍摄”的配置应该是:
24 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH
35 mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH
50m f/2 Summicron-M
24 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH
35 mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH
50mm f/1 Noctilux-M
24 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH
35 mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH
Summilux-M 1:1.4/50mm ASPH
50mm f/2,8 Elmar-M


本文来自: www.fengniao.com






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