
互联网 | 编辑: 2005-05-19 00:00:00转载 一键看全文


七、50mm f/1 Noctilux-M( 最近拍摄距离1.0米)
“Close-up pictures (±1 meter pr 3’3”) at full aperture should be considered carefully,as the very shallow depth of field will produce a razor thin sharpness
plane with very fuzzy out of focus planes.”
要慎重考虑在全开光圈下近摄(一米左右),因为很浅的景深会造成锐利无比的焦平面, 焦外很模糊.
没用过, 不知其甘苦.推测:若能克服聚焦的辛苦, 那么一定是弱光,交谈距离拍摄的利器.不过那硕大的体积和接近其它镜头两倍的重量实在外出不方便, 而且容易引人注意. 在记实拍摄的时候也许不方便.

八、Summilux-M 1:1.4/50mm ASPH( 最近拍摄距离0.7米)
“For the first time in a Leica M lens, a ‘floating element’ is used to maintain imaging performance even in close-focus ranges down to 0.7m。”
作为第一次在LEICA M系镜头应用, 浮动元件维系了影响在近摄距离到0.7米的影象表现.

“The floating element improves the quality in the near focussing range. Reduction in image quality will normally occur around the distance of 3 meters and less with high-speed lenses. The floating element does correct this reduction quite effectively, but to a certain limit. When you are in the close up distances from 0.7 to about 1 meter, the floating element can improve matters quite a bit, but then at the wider apertures we get soft images. For best quality in this focusing range, we need to stop down to /5.6 or smaller to get good imagery. We should not imagine that with the floating element, we get a high-speed lens with near macro capabilities. We should stay realistic in our demands. What the floating element accomplishes, is a visual improvement of the quality in the outer zones and a contrast improvement from 1 meter to 3 meters, where the wider apertures will now perform at the optimum of the lens.”
其中的浮动元件改善了近焦范围内的象质。使用高速镜头时,影象质量下降通常会发生在被拍摄主体位于三米以内。浮动元件在有限的程度上为此做了相当有效的矫正。当你在0。7米到1米的近距离时,浮动元件能够对影象质量做不少改善,但是在较大的光圈时,我们得到的影象变柔。在这个聚焦范围内为了得到最好的影象质量,我们需要把光圈收小到F/5。6或更小。我们不能够想象因为有了浮动元件,我们就有了一个能力巨大的高速镜头。我们应该停留在需求的现实中。 浮动元件所起到的作用是, 明显改善影象边缘区域象质,提高在1米到3米的范围内聚焦时的影象反差(较大光圈表现在该镜头的优化位置中)。
看来50/1.4的近摄能力要搞好不容易啊. 这新头费了这么大的劲才敢说”当你在0。7米到1米的近距离时,浮动元件能够对影象质量做不少改善,但是在较大的光圈时,我们得到的影象变柔。”
所以, EP的测试总结说最好买一只50mm f/2.8 Elmar-M作为近摄的补充.看来在50焦段, 弱光下交谈距离拍摄处在两难的境地了.真要两只一起下手?
根据以上的体会, 看来在”照顾到弱光场景下交谈距离拍摄”的配置应该是:
24 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH
35 mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH
50m f/2 Summicron-M
24 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH
35 mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH
50mm f/1 Noctilux-M
24 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-M ASPH
35 mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH
Summilux-M 1:1.4/50mm ASPH
50mm f/2,8 Elmar-M


本文来自: www.fengniao.com

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