简约复古的极致诱惑 佳能IXUS 70评测

互联网 | 编辑: 胡斌 2007-07-25 00:30:00原创 一键看全文

IXUS 70是佳能公司年初新发布的一款便携式变焦数码相机,作为2007年的系列新作,产品不同以往的采用了方正复古造型打造。酷似烟盒的硬派风格,也使“新颖”外观严重审美疲劳的编辑初见之下颇有些好感。其实这种化繁为简的设计思路可以说是IXUS系列一贯的发展方向,只是这次能

佳能IXUS 70评测——Fix眼中的IXUS70

Fix作为新到评测室的法国同事,在dolphin测试相机的过程中表现出了浓厚的兴趣,所以在测试IXUS 70时也邀请他对这款相机发表一些自己的观点。原本是希望他谈一下具体的使用感受,和对这款相机的整体印象,然而Fix似乎更倾向于产品的实际性能介绍,好吧,尽管可能和前文有所重复,但看看外国朋友关注的都是相机的那些方面也不错,不是么?

Of a thickness of only 19,4 mm, DIGITAL IXUS 70 is the smaller digital camera with a zoom ever designed by Canon. Its very fine case of metal and its color sober (gray metal and black) makes an elegant and discrete apparatus.A sensor of 7,1 mégapixels records each scene with an exceptional richness of details and allow impressions in large size. One will also appreciate the presence of a reflector view finder, always useful if the LCD screen becomes not very readable in the event of strong light.(果然最先关注的还是外观....)

The function of detection of face guarantees superb results by an automatically detecting the characters in framing and by selecting the development, the exposure and the optimal parameters of flash. The function “My Category” classifies each image according to the detection of face and the mode of catch of sight, which facilitates navigation, the impression, and the suppression of the images. It integer a Function of correction of the red eyes, a Screen LCD 2,5 inches PureColor high resolution (230 000 pixels) which posts rich colors and sharp with a very-clear definition. The adjustment ISO 1600 makes it possible to obtain luminous pictures in conditions of weak lighting, an advantage of size when you want to take photos during a party, in a restaurant or when the flash is not authorized.Of a weight of 125 grams (without battery and memory card), this model is available in Europe for the price of 250 euros (这么贵啊.....)

As we can note on the picture below the ixus 70 reproduced colors in a very faithful way.

The 1600 Iso of the ixus 70 make it possible to take pictures without flash even when there is not so many light, and thus to keep the originals colors.

design features:

-Sensor 7,1 million pixels
-Optical Zoom 3x 35-105mm (in 24x36 equivalent) with lens UA
-DIGIC III and mode AF/expo/expo flash with detection of faces
- Correction of the red eyes in reading mode
-Screen LCD 2,5 inches of the type “PureColor”
- Adjustment 1600 ISO and automatic shift of sensitivity

-Recording of vidéos in quality VGA and video functioof animation


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