
互联网 | 编辑: uker编辑2 2007-12-28 00:30:00转载






  杨栎申请NYU是走了11月1日截止的提前录取类别中的ED程序,就是学校一旦要你,就一定要去,不准在申请其他大学了。Early Decision 只准申请一所大学,并对其"忠实",这反映了她的目标非常明确。


  Hesitantly I rose from the seat, panicky, scanning the typographic printings before me as quickly as possible. The scene, for a meticulously timid twelve-year-old girl, was so routinely familiar. English teacher, Elaine, had just called on me to do a little oral interpretation.

  "New York is famous for its enormous skyscrapers rising up like cliffs, it is often called a 'Standing city'." I started the job with trips. It did not come out the way I'd anticipated. It was an awkward job after all, converting those Latin letters into an oriental language at such short notice.

  My heartbeat gradually returned to normal. The part that followed the opening sentence was vague to me now for its numerical introductory nature. I did the work with almost no elaboration and hoped to come across such remark as 'And that is it, New York City.' I didn't care if the World Trade Center was '110 storied and 412 meters high.'

  Quote: [All the skyscrapers are hard and bare, but they give one a feeling of power and have a cold hard beauty. At night, the hardness of the daytime is softened, and the scene becomes a 20-th century fairyland. It is a land of opportunity where every dedicated man can succeed.]

  Long pause. Something chocked my words - although the literalness was brightly obvious, not at all convoluted - I found it hard to match them directly with my own expression. A rush of thrill and ecstasy engined my mental picture of the 'Plaza with neon lights', as I put it, I recalled the image from TV, faintly visible, of lights in streams, enabled by the kind of photographic technique that prolongs the exposure time. People walk assiduously, as if walking is their very purpose. The big screen that displays the NASDAQ figure, which might carry a grave depression, uplifts the heartbeat rate from worldwide.

  I assumed the picture was the author's connotation; it was the very illustration of the 'feeling of power' and the 'cold hard beauty'. I poured out my own thoughts of the paragraph, not literal translation, not the rush to the closing remark. It was the depiction of the picture in front of my eyes. The American spirit I sensed, at least, on some dim level, revised my being nervous into the teeming identification with the author and helped complete the task.

  'Well done. Would you like to go there sometime Lily?' Elaine asked routinely.

  'I'm already there.' I didn't really know how that came up.

  It was a typical morning but the reading passage opened a new dimension - though I'd heard of the crown of 'the center of universe', though I could recognize the American nature of the Statue of Liberty instead of a British one - it was the time I looked at the United States differently.

  What saw me through the frustration and despair in the next few years was my dim understanding of the saying 'land of opportunity where every dedicated man can succeed.' The motto, as I grew up, spurred me into action. Every step seemed smooth going until the day my SAT scores were in.

  Catastrophically, the four-digit number tears down the Brooklyn Bridge when I'm on my way to Manhattan; it sinks the ferry when I'm approaching the Ellis Island; it had me wave bye-bye to my dream; it makes colleges frown though people would say it's not decisive..

  'Drop it, it's over.' It as well popped that out of me.

  The American dream drifted away from me and I asserted its permanent take off until the day I ran into a newspaper report titled 'New York: Spring up in Ruins'.

  Quote:[Ironically, the 911 attack, with a pure intention to devastate the city, actually is rescuing it from its sway in the ebb and flow. The catastrophe, though cracked up the heart zone of world economy, built a spiritual beacon light in all American people and empowered them to stand up again. New York commences with the rediscovery of its own value and that of its revival.]

  It takes courage to get over griefs and plunge into the reconstruction and the Americans made it. The playback of the scenery, the one I saw as I walked out from the subway World Trade Center station, started itself. Across the street from the site was a small graveyard commemorating those anonymous whose lives ceased in the raid. On the site of the remains were cranes, moving slowly. They were overlooking the heroes, telling them firmly: Rest in Peace bros, we've moved on.

  That is the exact spirit profoundly rooted in the American dream!

  Americans found a way to stand up from the grave disaster and move on. Maybe I could choose NOT to let the score leave me the only alternative of abandoning my childhood dream.

  Why not take a shot?

  I closed my eyes with relief. In the far distance, the Hudson River fades in to the sky. Just off the horizon, a tiny statue stands firmly into the glittering water. She embraces all who seek shelter with her warm flames and provides those with illumination of the unknowns ahead

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