

互联网 | 编辑: uker编辑1 2007-06-15 00:30:00转载

Since May 1994, 180 industrial projects, 210 infrastructure projects and 96 projects of tertiary industry have attracted overseas investment in Pudong New District. Established in July 1995, with a factory site of 100,000 square kilometers and a staff of 1,200, Shanghai Meimei Crane Equipment Company is a Sino-Japanese joint venture. It mainly produces series of electricalhoist, 75 percent of which are for export to utheast Asia countries.

上海玩具厂建于96年1月,位于浦东新区西北面,是一家中法合资企业。占地面积3 8000平方米,有职工880人,主要生产各种玩具汽车,一半以上的产品出口。2000年该厂出口了1500万辆玩具汽车和20万套电动剃须刀,赢利500万美金。
Founded in January 1996 and located in the northwest of Pudong New Distr ict, Shanghai Toy Factory is a Sino-French joint venture. It covers an area of 38,000 square meters with a staff of 880. It mainly produces all kinds of toy motors, more than half of which are for export. In 2000, it exported 15,000,000 toy cars and 200,000 sets of electrical shavers, earning a profit of 5 million US dollars.

Shanghai Knitting Factory used to be a state-owned enterprise and transf ormed to be a Shanghai and Hong Kong joint venture six years ago. Located at Lujiazui Developing Zone in Pudong, with a construction area of 42,000 square meters and a staff of 450, it mainly produces knitted underwear, outer clothes, mid and high grade fashionable dresses, 80 percent of which are exported to southeast Asia countries. It has earned a profit of 55 million US dollars in the first half of this year.

Shanghai No.2 Sewing Machine Factory mainly produces household sewing ma chines. Founded in July 1996, it is a Sino-Japanese joint venture with a term of 10 years. The total investment is 86 million US dollars with 45 percent of Japanese contribution, 80 percent to 85 percent products are for export.
Its main products are household sewing machines, special sewing machines and computer controlled multi-headed embroidery sewing machines.

中日浦南塑料制品厂位于浦东新区南面,主要生产塑料产品。日方提供机械设备, 技术,管理;中方提供土地,劳动力和一些用于基础设施建设的资金,其65%-70%的产品出口往南亚和非洲。
Located in southern Pudong New District, Sino-Japanese Punan Plastics Fa ctory mainly produces plastic products. Japanese partners provide mechanical equipment, technique and management while we provide land, labor and some capital for infrastructure. 65 percent to 70 percent of its products are exported to South Asia and Africa.

悉尼歌剧院是现代社会所有划时代建筑的先驱,也是空前绝后的建筑作品,凡是接 触过媒体的人都知道它的外貌。
Sydney Opera House is the mother and father of all modern landmark build ings and also a one-off work of architecture in modern society. Anyone in this world with media access knows what the Opera House looks like.

上海杨浦大桥是世界最长的斜拉索桥,全长7658米,仅用了29个月建成。大桥采用 了许多的先进工艺方法。大桥的建成表明了在建筑设计水平上已进入世界先进行列。
Shanghai Yangpu Bridge is world's longest suspension bridge, with the fu ll length of 7,658 meters long. It was completed within only 29 months and a lot of advanced techniques were used in building this bridge. The completion of this bridge demonstrated the design and construction had reached the world's level.

The main section of the bridge is 1,172 meters long and 30 meters wide,with two-way six lanes and 2-meter-wide pavement on each side. The speed limit on bridge is 60 kilometers per hour. Since its completion in 1993, the traffic capacity every day has reached 50,000.

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