专业游戏品质 Razer总裁Robert专访

互联网 | 编辑: 2007-08-20 00:30:00原创 一键看全文


PChome记者:On July 25, Razer just announced the Diamondback 3G. This is not an entirely new mouse, but an upgrade of the 2004 Diamondback. Why did Razer upgrade a mouse which was already three years old, and not announce a new mouse instead? (在7月25日,Razer刚刚发布了一款新鼠标—3G版本的光电响尾蛇(Diamondback 3G).这并非是一款全新的鼠标,而是对在2004年便成名的光电响尾蛇在光学引擎和鼠标外观方面进行了升级.请问,为什么Razer会对成名三年之久的光电响尾蛇进行升级,而不是推出一款全新的鼠标?)

Robert:The Diamondback is truly a legacy product for Razer. It was our first mouse to sell over a million units ever and is today still in great demand. We look at this reintroduction as a facelift to a proven winner. The smaller shape of this mouse and the lighter weight appeals to a number of users throughout the Asian market. Other mice such as the Razer DeathAdder are bigger, heavier and not always comfortable to a large number of your readers. If anything what we have learned is that there is no one perfect mouse shape, design, weight or configuration for every player.

Diamondback绝对是Razer的一款经典产品。这是我们第一款超越百万销量的鼠标,至今仍受到热烈追捧。我们认为推出这款改良版产品是个实实在在的成功。鼠标形状的变小以及重量的减轻吸引了亚洲市场的众多用户。其它像Razer DeathAdder之类的鼠标较大较重,对于多数用户而言并不舒适。我们从而了解到,适合所有人的完美鼠标规格(形状、设计、重量或是配置)是不存在的。

The other reason was simply because with the release of the 3G Infrared Sensor in the DeathAdder, we had south-paws and others who so loved the original Diamondback wanting to use the 3G Infrared technology present only then in the DeathAdder. We took their feedback into consideration, and came up with the Diamondback 3G.

另一个原因在于,随着DeathAdder的3G红外感应器的发布,那些惯用左手的用户以及其他喜爱Diamondback原版的用户都想在其它产品上感受3G红外技术。我们听取了他们的反馈意见并加以考虑,于是就有了Diamondback 3G。

PChome记者:Many people know Razer as a renowned brand for gaming input devices. What was the impetus behind Razer’s foray into gaming? (众所周知Razer在游戏专业电子竞技方面做得很出色,请问当初Razer定位于这方面而发展的初衷是什么? )

Robert:Well, since we all played PC games it was a pretty easy choice. I have to also say that we were pretty lucky and happened to be at the right place at the right time. We had no idea of how large the world of gaming would grow ten years ago. We looked at the size of the gaming market in the US in 1997 at roughly 2.4 million gamers and thought that we could capture a small share of that market due to our advanced technology. Today there are 100’s of millions of gamers throughout the world and it doesn’t appear that this market has yet to peak.


PChome记者:As far as we know, Razer made a name for yourselves producing premium, professional, unique peripherals. The product lines include mice, keyboards, mouse mats, headphones, sound systems and soundcards. What’s the next step for Razer? Will you have new lines or new products? (据我所知,Razer主要以生产高端的、专业的、极具个性的游戏外设而闻名,涉及的产品类型包括:鼠标、键盘、鼠标垫、耳机、音箱、声卡等。不知道下一步,Razer是否会新的举动,推出其他类型的产品?)

Robert:Fortunately Razer products have been well received by our customers and critically acclaimed by the press. What is important for us today is to continue to dominate the four key categories of mice, surfaces, audio and keyboards before we expand too far from our core businesses. There is still much to be done even in the area of mice, plus we always must remind ourselves that our reason for existing is to continue to enhance the gamers’ experience through improved technologies.


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