PChome记者:We believe that Razer’s sales volume in US and Europe is pretty high. But Razer did not stop progressing. We heard that you intend to aggressively penetrate China, could you reveal more on your plans in this area? (根据资料显示,Razer在欧洲和美洲的销量都相当优异,但是Raze并没有因此而停止前进的步伐,最近有传闻说Razer要正式进军中国大陆市场,能不能在这里先透露一下相关情况?)
Robert:Gaming in China is the fastest growing cultural phenomenon in the world and Razer is working today to assemble a team for key focus on China, much like we did in Europe, the US and most recently in Korea. We have already assigned product managers to focus on the needs and the cultural demands of China. The next steps are offices located in mainland China to handle sales, marketing, community relations, PR, etc. We will dedicate the necessary resources to this vast and growing nation to ensure great customer products, world-class support and gamer relations.
PChome记者:China’s market is huge, consumers’ needs and spending power in each state differs. As such, to be successful in China, one needs to have a tiered pricing scheme. But Razer only focuses on high end gaming at a premium price. Have you thought of the middle / lower end consumer? Any plans for products for this market? (中国的市场非常大,每个城市的需求和消费能力都不一样,因此如果要在中国市场取得成功,必须在每个价格层面上都有相对应的产品,但是Razer目前的产品基本针对高端游戏玩家设计,请问将来是否考虑过多样化发展,特别是其他种类的用户?)
Robert:While Razer has always been known as the Ferrari of gaming peripherals, we have in the past tiered down to the middle market pricing. Our first priority is building great products that support the gamers’ needs and we do not have a minimum or maximum price point in mind during the development process.
PChome记者:Could you please elaborate on Razer’s general developmental direction, and is there a clear ‘target’ for the company? (最后请问Razer在将来一段时间内,具体的发展方向是什么?会不会有一个明确的数字化目标?)
Robert:We believe that we have been very consistent over the years with our target. We only make products for gamers (by gamers). We focus on the elite, professional and competitive amateurs. We believe that human factors are equally important in the development of gaming hardware and we believe that we should develop the “right mouse for the right hand”.
Our technology should always provide the end user gamer with an edge … ergo enhancing the gaming experience.
And while many of our products can be successfully used by “prosumers” such as audiophiles, engineers, animators, architects and graphic artists, we still intentionally focus all creativity directly on the gamers themselves first and foremost.