
互联网 | 编辑: 2008-03-21 12:42:14

由Valve制作的X360和PC版《半条命2:橙盒版(Halflife2 The Orange Box)》是2007年最佳游戏之一,当中的《Portal》更是由于创新和幽默而虏获了大量的fans。但由于Valve觉得PS3是“浪费时间”,因此PS3版的移植由发行商EA自己负责,而结果便是一款又卡bug又多的游戏。现在这

由Valve制作的X360和PC版《半条命2:橙盒版(Halflife2 The Orange Box)》是2007年最佳游戏之一,当中的《Portal》更是由于创新和幽默而虏获了大量的fans。但由于Valve觉得PS3是“浪费时间”,因此PS3版的移植由发行商EA自己负责,而结果便是一款又卡bug又多的游戏。现在这些问题将大大减少了,因为EA刚刚推出了一个127,598kb大的补丁,当中修补了游戏很多的缺陷。如果你是PS3版《橙盒》的玩家,这当然是个好消息;如果你是因为听说了《橙盒》的种种问题而犹豫是否购买,那么现在你可以(稍微)放心了。


  ·Fixed a graphical issue whereby a player would have the explosion effect left on the end of their Rocket Launcher when attempting to Rocket Jump.
  ·Fixed a memory leak to improve single player stability.
  ·Fixed an issue whereby the players name would not appear on the Stats comparison screen.
  ·We have fixed an issue that would cause the vote tallies to disappear when you viewed the scoreboard between rounds.
  ·Fixed an online server issue.
  ·Fixed an issue that caused a crash when a player that wasn't in Division 1 entered 'Your Leaderboards.'
  ·Fixed an issue with players not always being added to the 'Players Met' menu on the XMB.
  ·Fixed a bug where a player viewing a friend without an EA account would have an empty entry in the friend's Leaderboard.
  ·Fixed an issue where it was not possible to connect to the EA servers if you had more than 30 friends.

  Team Fortress 2
  -Adjusted Spy backstab damage. Backstabs now do 200% more damage.
  -Reduced maximum Soldier rocket reserve to 4.
  -Scouts rebalanced. Asking for a dispenser here will now alert nearby Engineers in the same manner that calling for a Medic does.
  -Trains were deemed overpowered, and have been removed from cp_Well.

  -Fixed a bug preventing some players from hearing Weighted Companion Cube "stab" dialog.
  -Removed cvar cl_cake_density
  -Spawning an Orange Portal no longer causes division by zero.

  Half Life 2: Episode 2
  -Due to player complaints, Alyx Vance no longer follows the player, but instead does a sexy little dance.
  -Striders have been outfitted with Gravity Guns. After all, fair's fair.
  -Launching the Gnome into space now allows players to watch the game's true ending, which reveals the GMan to be none other than a socio-political charicature of postindustrial corporate greed.
  -Tweaked antlion AI. Antlions now respond to attacks with collective singing.




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