阿尔萨斯:父亲! Father!
一切都... 结束...了? Is it... over?
泰瑞纳斯国王:终归到底, At long last,
没有哪个国王可以千秋万载,儿子。 No king rules forever, my son.
阿尔萨斯:我的眼前... 只有无尽黑暗... I see... Only darkness... before me.
泰瑞纳斯国王:失去了主人的号令, Without its master's command,
无止尽的天灾军团对这个世界的威胁会越来越大。 The restless scourge will become a even greater threat to this world.
对它的掌控不能停止。 Control must be maintained.
永远要有一个巫妖王的存在。 There must always be... a Lich King.
弗丁:这份艰巨的重担, The weight of such a burden,
只有我来承担了,没有其他人可以... It must be mine, for there is no other...
伯瓦尔:提里奥! Tirion!
你手中掌握着一份残酷的命运,兄弟。 You owe a grim destiny in your hands, brother.
但那并不只属于你。 But it's not your own.
弗丁:伯瓦尔! Bolvar!
我的老天啊... By all that is holy...
伯瓦尔:红龙的烈焰封印了我的命运。 The dragon's flame, sealed my fate.
活人的世界已容不下我。 The world of living can no longer comfort me.
把王冠放在我的头上。 Place the crown upon my head, Tirion.
从今以后,我将监禁这诅咒之力。 Forever more, I will be the jailor of the Damned.
弗丁:不,老朋友,我不能... No, old friend, I can not...
伯瓦尔:动手吧提里奥! Do it Tirion!
你和这些勇敢的英雄有自己的宿命要去完成。 You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill.
这最后的奉献就交给我吧。 This last act of service is mine.
弗丁:我们不会忘记你,兄弟。 You will not be forgotten, brother.
伯瓦尔:必须忘了我,提里奥! I must be forgotten, Tirion!
如果这个世界要从恐惧的枷锁中解脱出来, If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear,
今天这里发生的一切必须永无人知晓。 They must never know what's done here today.
巫妖王伯瓦尔:告诉他们,巫妖王已经死了。 Tell them only that the Lich King is dead,
而伯瓦尔·弗塔根和他同归于尽... and Bolvar Fordragon died... with him.
走吧!离开这里! Now, go! Leave this place,