

互联网 | 编辑: 2008-05-27 09:01:36转载 一键看全文







So first of all grats to the Kil'jaeden first kill! You've been behind Nihilum for a really long time, what do you think was the turning point that made you guys gain lead? What do you think changed in the guild?




* Well for starters we never really took the race as serious as we do now, but for Sunwell we really prepared ourselves to be more competetive and the whole guild already had that mentality automatically so :). Nothing really changed in the guild, its just that me and mek and also the other leaders made sure that people understood what our goals were and that we'd do everything we could to achieve them.




So the morale change was the most important factor in your opinion?




* The morale change and a bigger focus on trying to become the best guild.




The time you spent raiding at M'uru and Kil'jaeden was incredible, 40+ hours over 4-5 days. How do you manage the guild during this time? what are your guildmembers doing IRL to be able to raid so much? how much support do they get from families, school and employers?




* I can't believe we hear so much whine about this, I guess its just because I'm young and live in Sweden. But I can't really see any job where you can't take 10(?) days off over a whole year just to play, you have vacation days and its up to you how you want to use them. People ask this question all the time and I just don't get it :) Its only during progress, and now when we've killed Kil'Jaeden for example we'll be going back to raiding 2 days a week or so at normal times, Its a hobby and if you want to be the best at the hobby you think is fun you can afford to take some days off to do it.




How much did the M'uru and Kil'jaeden tries cost in terms of repair and consumables? how did the guild bank handle this hard time?




* Not that much in repairs, we had the guildbank pay everything and we still have ALOT left so its no problemo on that part. However consumables cost alot for each individual, but it was the 2 most important bosses which we've been waiting for over 12 months so it was well worth it :). We have alot of free time now to save up for the next expansion aswell so its not going to be a problem at all really.




Next question is about sponsorship. Can you tell us more about how it really works? how much help you get from them? Also there are some wild theories out there on the forums about you guys getting payed for raiding, premium for first kills, there's also the famous "Meanwhile at the Sk Office" video. So how much of these rumours is actually true? :)




* Haha, there's no way SK or Mousesports(that sponsors Nihilum) can afford to pay 30 active raiders each and every month. The thing you get from sponsors can be guildmeetings, a bit of hardware and stuff like that which is really really nice. And also you get the chance to send a few people to new events and so on. Can't really talk about everything but I think you get the idea. About first kills and so on, of course first kills are worth more to lets say SK or Mousesports so we are definatly going to fix a guildmeeting this summer!




Looking back over the "Sunwell Barriers" as Tigole likes to call the gate system, what's your opinion of it? good? bad? did raiding progress gain anything from this system?

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