海外媒体访谈 富士X100相关细节披露

互联网 | 编辑: 魏申杰 2010-12-22 00:00:00原创 返回原文

前次本站报道了最近有关富士新型数码相机X100 近期一些新闻汇总的消息,里面提到了有海外媒体对富士方面人员的一个“Q&A”的采访,我们来看一个海外媒体采访富士相关人员的关于X100 的“Q&A”访谈记录,由于有原文,这里小编尽量愿意翻译,但翻译水平有限还请大家谅解。



前次本站报道了最近有关富士新型数码相机X100 近期一些新闻汇总的消息,里面提到了有海外媒体对富士方面人员的一个“Q&A”的采访,我们来看一个海外媒体采访富士相关人员的关于X100 的“Q&A”访谈记录,由于有原文,这里小编尽量愿意翻译,但翻译水平有限还请大家谅解。


万众期待 富士全新旗舰X100再曝细节


Q:“Made in Japan”字样到时候会放在相机的背面还是底部?( Will ‘Made in Japan' remain on the back of the camera or be moved to the base? )

A:会放在相机的背面。( It will remain etched on the back of the camera. )



Q:X100会不会有黑色的版本?(Will the X100 be available in black?)

A:目前没有生产黑色版本的计划。但富士已经了解到有很多人有类似(想要黑色版本)的需求。( No concrete plan is currently in place to produce a black model, but Fujifilm are aware that a large number of people have requested this option. )


Q:X100用什么供电(What power source does the X100 use?)

A:X100使用NP-95 锂电池,这个型号的电池兼容很多富士其他FinePix 相机包括 富士的3D相机 Real 3D W1。(It uses the NP-95 Lithium-ion rechargeable cell. This battery is also compatible with a number of other FinePix models including the Real 3D W1.)


Q:X100手柄蒙皮会用真皮还是仿皮(Does the X100 have a leather finish or a leather-like finish? )

A:会采用仿皮,但是经过处理后将比真皮更实用以及耐磨。(It is a leather-like finish as this is more practical and hard-wearing than leather.)


第二部分是关于X100 使用的23mm F/2 富士龙(fujiron)镜头的提问:

Q:X100 为什么不可更换镜头( Why does the X100 not have interchangeable lenses? )

A:对X100来说照片的品质是最重要的,所以镜头采用了固定的设计,反过来说,(这种设计)是保证光线路径与传感器之间有一个最佳匹配的结果。另外X100 的设计者们希望保持X100 的轻量小型化,倘若要可以更换镜头,或者使用可变焦镜头,这些都会使X100 的体积变得更大,(这样的话)就违背了X100 最初的设计理念( Image quality is paramount on the X100. That's why the lens is fixed which, in turn, ensures that the light path and sensor position are perfectly matched for the best possible results. The designers also wanted to keep the camera's size down. Making the lens interchangeable, or offering a zoom lens alternative, would have increased bulk, detracting from the X100′s original concept. )

编者注:这段话比较长,根据我们的理解,其大概的意思就是表示,为了保证X100更轻便,体积更小(看看SONY的NEX-5所匹配的变焦镜头,APS-C 规格的镜头不可能很小),所以放弃了可更换镜头甚至是固定的变焦镜头这两种想法。


Q:X100 有图像稳定系统吗?( Does the camera feature image stabilisation? )(编者注:即图像防抖)

A:(X100的开发者认为)图像稳定系统是为长焦镜头或者可变广角镜头搭配而存在的,但X100 采用了最大光圈为F/2的定焦镜头,(他们认为)图像稳定不是必须的,(即使没有图像稳定)X100 仍然可使摄影师在低光照条件下手持拍摄。( Image stabilisation is required when using fixed or zoom lenses with telephoto focal lengths and variable maximum apertures. As the X100 features a fixed lens with a maximum fast aperture of F2, image stabilisation is not required as this combination will still allow photographers to successfully hand-hold the camera in low light conditions. )

编者注:这段话大意直接来讲就是X100 没有防抖,至于为什么没有防抖,因为富士或者说X100 的开发者认为防抖是为了长焦镜头或者光圈比较小的镜头设计而准备的,X100 既然采用了不可更换镜头的设计又使用了F/2这么大的光圈,因此也就没必要为其内置一个防抖功能。


Q:X100有滤镜螺纹吗?(Q: Does the X100 have a filter thread?)

A:有的,使用转接环后可使用49mm 的滤镜,使用前需要先拧除23mm 镜头的金属环后才能拧上去。X100还可以使用镜头遮光罩,方法与使用滤镜相同。49mm的镜头直径可以保证绝大多数流行的第三方滤镜可被用在X100 上。( Yes, 49mm filters can be screwed in using the optional adapter ring. This ring is attached by removing the existing metal lens surround and then screwing the adapter ring into place. A lens hood can also be attached using the same method. Having a 49mm thread ensures that users will be able to purchase most popular third party screw-on filters. )


Q:为什么(X100)不是全画幅?( Why is the sensor not full frame? )

A:作出(X100之所以不是全画幅)这个决定涉及到X100 的设计者对其最初的设计理念,采用全画幅传感器的话将大大增加相机的体积,而(设计者认为)采用APS-C规格传感器已经能提供最佳的图像尺寸和品质。(This decision comes down to the designers staying true to the initial X100 concept. Using a full frame sensor would substantially increase the size of the camera, whereas the APS-C sized sensor delivers the best combination of size and image quality.)


Q:X100 的ISO范围?(What ISO range does the X100 offer?)

A:常规范围下,X100 可提供ISO 200 至 ISO 6400 ,并且可以扩展至ISO 100 至 ISO 12800 。(X100)高感光度的大光圈镜头可以保证摄影师在低光照环境下的手持拍摄——无需使用闪光灯或者三脚架,这对一些像快速捕捉拍摄或者新闻摄影需求来说是一个真正的优势。( In standard form, the planned ISO range is from 200 to 6400, but this can be expanded to include 100 and 12800. The high sensitivity and fast maximum aperture will ensure that photographers can shoot in low lighting situations without having to revert to using a flashgun or tripod – a real advantage if you want to capture candid or photo-journalistic images in a range of lighting conditions. )


Q:富士为何没有选择使用EXR 传感器?(Why has Fuji chosen not to use the EXR sensor?)

A:EXR 传感器专为紧凑型高倍率变焦相机而设计的,但是我们选择APS-C规格的传感器是因为我们的设计师想要寻求最佳的图像品质以及大型传感器与富士龙镜头的完美匹配。(The EXR sensor was specifically designed for compact long-zoom cameras where a small sensor is required. The APS-C CMOS sensor was chosen for the X100 as our designers were striving for optimal image quality and the large sensor matches the Fujinon lens to perfection.)


Q: X100 的视频规格是怎么样的?(What is the specification of the video function?)

A:X100 可以录制格式为1280*720 24fps规格的高清视频,同时亦可录音,采用光圈优先并自动曝光,同时可用于拍摄电影(HD video output is 1280 x 720 pixels at 24 frames per second with stereo sound recording. Aperture Priority AE can be used whilst shooting movies. )


Q:X100 是否有无线遥控装置?(Does the X100 have a wireless remote facility?)

A: 没有,可使用有线快门(No. The shutter release is threaded so a mechanical shutter release can be used.)


Q: 相机关闭时能否保持住他目前的现有的机内设定?(Does the camera retain its existing settings when it's turned off?)

A:是的,这对喜欢将相机设定成一些特殊拍摄用途而进行拍摄的摄影师来说是一个好消息,鉴于某些相机在开机时会恢复到默认的设置,X100 将会保留用户的最后设置,这样用户可以将诸如曝光模式、测光模式、白平衡等根据自己需要的进行设置。(Yes. This is a real benefit to photographers who like to set the camera up for a specific use rather than general picture taking. Whereas some cameras will revert back to default settings when turned on, the X100 retains the last settings selected, so users can tailor features including exposure mode, metering pattern and white balance setting to their needs.)


Q: X100 顶部的快门速度拨盘上的最慢速度为1/4 秒,请问可以通过手动设置使其更慢吗?(The shutter speed range on the top-plate dial goes down to 1/4sec, can slower shutter speeds be set manually?)

A:如果使用者使用“T”模式,那么快门速度可以按照1/3 EV 的步长等级来进行从1/2秒到30秒的快门速度选择。(If users select the ‘T’ setting, the following shutter speeds can be selected: 1/2 to 30 seconds with 1/3 EV steps.)


Q: X100的LCD屏幕开机时可以关闭吗?(Can you turn the rear LCD off?)

A:当然,完全可以(Yes you can turn the LCD off.)


Q: X100 的快门迟滞如何?(How long is the shutter lag?)

有关确切的快门释放后到图像确实被拍摄下来的快门迟滞时间实际上还有待最后确定,不过根据预计可能将为0.01秒。这将是一个非常快的速度,将使X100 能与DSLR媲美,并且确保那些希望捕捉瞬间影像的摄影师不会对X100 感到失望,操控X100 会让你有布列松大师附身的感觉!(The exact lag time between the shutter release being pressed and the picture actually being taken is still to be finalised, but it is expected to be around 0.01 seconds. This is extremely quick, making the X100 comparable with DSLRs and ensures that those photographers looking to capture instantaneous images with the camera won’t be disappointed. The X100 will bring out the Cartier-Bresson in you!)

编者注:Cartier-Bresson,著名摄影师,以使用50mm焦段拍摄转瞬即逝的照片而闻名,他的作品引起的反响都是由于他总是捕捉那些只有一瞬的照片而令人震撼的原因。这里引用此人是表示富士希望让X100 的低迟滞快门为用户带来专业级单反的拍摄感受,从而找到如同Bresson 一样拍摄瞬间影像照片的感觉。


Q: X100 是否有天气防护功能(Is the camera weather-sealed?)(编者注:即指相机的三防性能)



Q: X100 的闪光同步性能如何?(What flash sync speed does the X100 offer?)

A:X100 会提供高速闪光同步性能去确保摄影师能有比较宽泛的余地来操纵相机,不过精确的同步速度还有待确定。(The X100 will offer high sync speeds to ensure that photographers can achieve a wide range of effects – particularly when it comes to combining a fast shutter speed with a burst of flash to capture fast moving subjects, or when using fill-in flash outdoors on sunny days. The precise sync speeds are yet to be fixed.)



Q:X100 会提供胶片模拟拍摄模式吗?(Will the X100 offer film simulation modes?)(编者注:意即滤镜模式中的模拟胶片拍摄的模式)

A:是的,PROVIA, Velvia, ASTIA和黑白片都会通过内置滤镜模式来实现。(Yes: PROVIA, Velvia, ASTIA and monochrome pictures will be able to be achieved with filter effects.)


Q:X100 取景器里会有自动对焦的对焦点码?(Will the autofocus points be visible in the viewfinder?)

A:是的,会有,并且是用户可手动选择的,(我们会将其)制作的更容易来帮助摄影师去选择偏离中心的对焦点拍摄而不用依靠对焦锁定之类的功能。(Yes. The autofocus points are also user-selectable, making it easier for photographers to focus on off-centre subjects without having to resort to the focus lock facility.)


Q: X100 是一台旁轴相机吗?(Is the X100 a range finder camera?)

A: 请记住X100 并不是一台旁轴相机。( Please note the X100 is not a range finder camera.)


Q: X100 大概会卖多少钱?(How much will the X100 cost?)

A:价格目前还有待确定( Price is still to be confirmed.)


Q: X100 还会有什么配件,他们会和X100 采用相同的设计风格吗?(What accessories will be available and will they use the same design style as the camera? )

A:X100 发售时会附带一个金属的镜头遮光罩。此外应该还会有高级的皮革相机套,转接环、可更换电池,还会有闪光灯等等的额外配件。


有关这份X100 的“Q&A”访谈的翻译大致就是如此,那么接下来让我们共同期待X100 到站评测吧。






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