海外媒体访谈 富士X100相关细节披露

互联网 | 编辑: 魏申杰 2010-12-22 00:00:00原创 一键看全文

前次本站报道了最近有关富士新型数码相机X100 近期一些新闻汇总的消息,里面提到了有海外媒体对富士方面人员的一个“Q&A”的采访,我们来看一个海外媒体采访富士相关人员的关于X100 的“Q&A”访谈记录,由于有原文,这里小编尽量愿意翻译,但翻译水平有限还请大家谅解。


Q:为什么(X100)不是全画幅?( Why is the sensor not full frame? )

A:作出(X100之所以不是全画幅)这个决定涉及到X100 的设计者对其最初的设计理念,采用全画幅传感器的话将大大增加相机的体积,而(设计者认为)采用APS-C规格传感器已经能提供最佳的图像尺寸和品质。(This decision comes down to the designers staying true to the initial X100 concept. Using a full frame sensor would substantially increase the size of the camera, whereas the APS-C sized sensor delivers the best combination of size and image quality.)


Q:X100 的ISO范围?(What ISO range does the X100 offer?)

A:常规范围下,X100 可提供ISO 200 至 ISO 6400 ,并且可以扩展至ISO 100 至 ISO 12800 。(X100)高感光度的大光圈镜头可以保证摄影师在低光照环境下的手持拍摄——无需使用闪光灯或者三脚架,这对一些像快速捕捉拍摄或者新闻摄影需求来说是一个真正的优势。( In standard form, the planned ISO range is from 200 to 6400, but this can be expanded to include 100 and 12800. The high sensitivity and fast maximum aperture will ensure that photographers can shoot in low lighting situations without having to revert to using a flashgun or tripod – a real advantage if you want to capture candid or photo-journalistic images in a range of lighting conditions. )


Q:富士为何没有选择使用EXR 传感器?(Why has Fuji chosen not to use the EXR sensor?)

A:EXR 传感器专为紧凑型高倍率变焦相机而设计的,但是我们选择APS-C规格的传感器是因为我们的设计师想要寻求最佳的图像品质以及大型传感器与富士龙镜头的完美匹配。(The EXR sensor was specifically designed for compact long-zoom cameras where a small sensor is required. The APS-C CMOS sensor was chosen for the X100 as our designers were striving for optimal image quality and the large sensor matches the Fujinon lens to perfection.)

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