海外媒体访谈 富士X100相关细节披露

互联网 | 编辑: 魏申杰 2010-12-22 00:00:00原创 一键看全文

前次本站报道了最近有关富士新型数码相机X100 近期一些新闻汇总的消息,里面提到了有海外媒体对富士方面人员的一个“Q&A”的采访,我们来看一个海外媒体采访富士相关人员的关于X100 的“Q&A”访谈记录,由于有原文,这里小编尽量愿意翻译,但翻译水平有限还请大家谅解。


Q: X100 的视频规格是怎么样的?(What is the specification of the video function?)

A:X100 可以录制格式为1280*720 24fps规格的高清视频,同时亦可录音,采用光圈优先并自动曝光,同时可用于拍摄电影(HD video output is 1280 x 720 pixels at 24 frames per second with stereo sound recording. Aperture Priority AE can be used whilst shooting movies. )


Q:X100 是否有无线遥控装置?(Does the X100 have a wireless remote facility?)

A: 没有,可使用有线快门(No. The shutter release is threaded so a mechanical shutter release can be used.)


Q: 相机关闭时能否保持住他目前的现有的机内设定?(Does the camera retain its existing settings when it's turned off?)

A:是的,这对喜欢将相机设定成一些特殊拍摄用途而进行拍摄的摄影师来说是一个好消息,鉴于某些相机在开机时会恢复到默认的设置,X100 将会保留用户的最后设置,这样用户可以将诸如曝光模式、测光模式、白平衡等根据自己需要的进行设置。(Yes. This is a real benefit to photographers who like to set the camera up for a specific use rather than general picture taking. Whereas some cameras will revert back to default settings when turned on, the X100 retains the last settings selected, so users can tailor features including exposure mode, metering pattern and white balance setting to their needs.)


Q: X100 顶部的快门速度拨盘上的最慢速度为1/4 秒,请问可以通过手动设置使其更慢吗?(The shutter speed range on the top-plate dial goes down to 1/4sec, can slower shutter speeds be set manually?)

A:如果使用者使用“T”模式,那么快门速度可以按照1/3 EV 的步长等级来进行从1/2秒到30秒的快门速度选择。(If users select the ‘T’ setting, the following shutter speeds can be selected: 1/2 to 30 seconds with 1/3 EV steps.)


Q: X100的LCD屏幕开机时可以关闭吗?(Can you turn the rear LCD off?)

A:当然,完全可以(Yes you can turn the LCD off.)

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